Grange Makes Front Page Headlines

By Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

Some may recall that Vicki Huff and I were invited to speak at the Waterboro Maine Historical Society–headquartered in a former Grange Hall. Coverage of the event made the front page of The Reporter— “Your Community Newspaper” in the Waterboro area. It is always fitting and appropriate to see the words “Grange” and “community” together.

When I talked with Cynthia Matthews, the reporter who wrote the story, it was also rewarding that she was familiar with Porter Gange and some of its activities. Too often, the local Grange is the best-kept secret in an area–not only from the media but also from the people who might be interested in joining or supporting it.

The media business has changed dramatically over the past decade or two. We no longer see local reporters showing up at events or chasing down stories. (In this case, Matthews didn’t attend, but asked a friend to take photos, and she subsequently did her interviews by telephone.) I know many people are intimidated by the idea of writing articles for the media, but it’s not that difficult to develop relationships with reporters and editors. We can help them with “tips” and simply let them know what’s going on at the Grange.

Don’t forget, there’s a Communications Handbook available for free on the MSG Website. It lists a number of daily and weekly newspapers throughout Maine and lots of tips and tactics for getting your news and events published. If you’re having an event, make sure you publicize it! Don’t have a party and forget to invite people!

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