View from the Farm — July 2022

By Heather Retberg, Quills End Farm

I fell in love all over today. 

Yes, another green grass day with my bride by my side and my children out in front of me. However, it was really a 65-year-old Indian man who made it all clear.

There are communications and COMMUNICATIONS. This man, and his perspective, fall into the latter. It reminded me of the first time I had a peach custard pie.

We Quill’s Endians, at the arrival of such a comestible, had taken our respective seats to enjoy our unearned bounty. This was an unearthly pie, the kind whose recipe should be held in secret, lest we all fall into sloth. All my dearest began to speak its praises unceasingly.

I asked, ever so politely, for silence. 

That pie demanded silence.

The simplest things aren’t often described in the simplest manner: pie, love, peace, the structure, and composition of soil. This lovely man, this Sadhguru, comes close to at least one…enjoy:

Save soil.

Phil, for all the Quill’s Endians
(And, shhh. I’m thinking about that peach pie.)

Editor’s note: Phil continues to write “View from the Farm” while Heather recovers from her recent surgery. Send her a card/note at Quill’s End Farm, 192 Front Ridge Road, North Penobscot ME 04476

Heather and Phil Retberg together with their three children run Quill’s End Farm, a 105-acre property in Penobscot that they bought in 2004. They use rotational grazing on their fifteen open acres and are renovating thirty more acres from woods to pasture to increase grazing for their pigs, grass-fed cattle, lambs, laying hens, and goats. Heather is Vice President of Halcyon Grange #345 and writes a newsletter for their farm’s buying club of farmers in her area and has generously given us permission to share some of her columns with Grangers. Visit the Quill’s End Farm Facebook Page for more information.

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