News from Ocean View Grange

Ocean View Grange is located in Martinsville, Maine

by Larry Bailey, Master/President

Grange member Ryan’s idea about serving a Strawberry Palooza of Strawberries and Cream was a success. We ran out of strawberries and whipped cream at 2 pm…, two hours before the advertised closing time. 

We served 92 cups of strawberries and cream and grossed $610. The net after expenses of $146 was $464.  Many of the folks who stopped in had never been in a Grange before and I gave tours of our meeting room. That went over well and, we may get a new member or two out of it.

We need to thank the following who worked to make the event both a financial and, just as important, a public relations success:

  • Ryan Aponte
  • Nancy Fagley
  • Joss Coggeshall
  • Dan Anderson (Ryan’s stepfather)
  • Pat Deussing (Ryan’s mother)
  • Bill Swittlinger 
  • Diane Bailey

Thanks to all of our members who helped and those members who came in to have a taste.

Webmaster’s Note: I highlighted the part about tours of the meeting room… what a great idea when having events!

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