We’re back!

Did you miss us? The site has been “restored” to its status on June 16, before a phishing attack from Turkey. I’ve not checked every function–if you find something not working, please send an email.

There was an issue with the “submit” tab–the submit form disappeared. I have some ideas for improvements to the form and process and will be working on them soon. For now, the easiest way to submit events and information is to send an email.

One priority at the moment is catching up on posts that have been submitted. Do keep those coming!

Also, I’ve purchased a service called “Prevention” that should go a long way towards keeping hackers at bay. We actually made it through nearly twelve years without a major problem–let’s hope we can at least match that record.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks for your patience and support.

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