Coming up in July…

  • July 9, 2022, Seaside Grange Rummage and Bake Sale, 9 am-noon. Email for more information.
  • July 9, 2022, St George Grange Public Supper, 5 pm at St George Grange Wiley’s Corner. Call 372-8904 or 372-6768 for more information.
  • July 11, 2022, Piscataquis Pomona Fun and Fundraiser at 5 pm. Contact Pomona Overseer Walter Boomsma for further information.
  • July 14, 2022, MSG Bulletin Deadline — columns and posts are due.

This information is from the Conferences and Dates Page. We do our best to list conferences, regional events, state meetings, Pomona meetings, and local Grange events with dates and links to information! Please remember, we can’t post what we don’t know. 

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