Lecturer’s Column — June 2022

By Margaret Morse, Maine State Grange Lecturer
207 439-0413

June is the time of the year when the theme for the next Grange Year (2022 – 2023) is to be announced. Over the last couple of months, I have considered several themes and thought that I had made the decision on which one to use. However, one Sunday morning while in church listening to the scripture reading a verse from Romans caught my attention. Romans 12:16 is “Live in harmony with one another.” To many, the word harmony has to do with music, which is one of the four parts of a good program. While a single vocalist singing acapella is pleasing to the ear, vocalists singing four-part harmony with instrumental accompaniment fills the room and feeds the soul.  Similarly, to Live in Harmony also may mean members working together for the good of the order. Therefore, even though we might not always agree with each other or agree on how certain things are done I hope that this theme will remind us that we all need to live in harmony.


The Skit Writing Contest is open to all subordinate Grange and Junior Grange members as well as children and grandchildren of Subordinate members. All skits must be original work, include at least 2 characters, and take no more than 10 minutes to present the skit. All entries must include the name of the person submitting the skit, and the Grange including its number, home address, and skit title. Junior Grangers or other children must include their age as of August 1.  

The Poetry Writing Contest is also open to all subordinate and Junior Grange members as well as children and grandchildren of Subordinate members. All poems must be original work. All entries must include the name of the person submitting the poem, the category, and the Grange including its number, home address, and poem title. Junior Grangers or other children must include their age as of August 1.   The categories are Stars/the Universe, Patriotic, Humorous, and Other. Poems do not have to follow any specific format.

The Book Reading Club is open to all subordinate Grange and Junior Grange members as well as children and grandchildren of Subordinate members. The entries must include the book title, author, and number of pages. All entries must include the name of the person submitting the book list, the Grange including its number, and home address. Junior Grangers or other children must include their age as of August 1.  

The due date for the Skit Writing Contest and the Poetry Writing Contest has been extended to September 1, 2022. The entries may be sent via email or by snail mail to my home address.


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