Highland Lake Grange Marks Members

While placing American flags in Highland Lake Cemetery, the Grangers at Highland Lake Grange P of H No. 87 thought it would be nice to mark the graves of members interred at the cemetery. Kathy Gowen came up with a design, and we worked together to assemble them at our last meeting. We identified 16 headstones of members (including married couples or multiple members in a family with one headstone). Several were charter members of Highland Lake Grange in 1875. Here are photos of a few of them.

2 thoughts on “Highland Lake Grange Marks Members”

  1. What a wonderful idea, wish we had time to do it for our members. You should sell these as a fundraiser. I think you have a mioney maker. Thanks and good luck.
    Barbara Lecturerr from Victor Grange

  2. I agree with Barbara Bailey. This is a great idea. Please consider making them to sell. I think our Grange would buy some. It is also a way to promote the Grange and let people the Grange has been around for a long time and is still here.
    Tammy Willey–St. George Grange #421

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