Ocean View Grange Springs to Life!

Ocean View Grange is located in Martinsville Maine

By Larry Balley, Master

OCEAN VIEW GRANGE is having our first meeting of the year on Monday, May 9, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the hall, 435 Port Clyde Road. 

I hope we will have a good turnout as it has been so long since we got together at the Grange.

We used to have some snacks right after every meeting and it would be great to continue with that tradition. If you can, please bring something to pass around… cookies, finger sandwiches, potato chips, soda or juice…anything you want to bring We can make coffee.

Remember, Saturday, May 7, 2022 is Road Clean-up Day. We meet at the Town Office at 7 am, pick up our buckets and bags, eat a donut, and go to our road. It usually takes only about an hour.

This link shows what the VICTOR GRANGE in Fairfield has done in the way of community programs and what they intend to do. Be sure to notice that they have already held a few suppers! Do you remember when we filled our dining room with over 80 guests? Also, note the varied menus.

Victory Grange also holds “Senior Circle Lunches”. This is something to think about. 

There are two very important things you can bring to our Grange at any meeting 

  1. You and your friends
  2. Ideas to help the Community and our Grange 

One thought on “Ocean View Grange Springs to Life!”

  1. Congratulations to both Ocean View and Victor Granges! This is a prime example of how we can recognize, inspire, and encourage each other… Let’s do more of it!

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