Some ideas for Granges…
- Send flowers or food to school for the teacher’s lounge
- Hold a teacher’s car wash at the Grange Hall
- Print and sign this poster and hang copies around the community.
- Wear red on National Teacher Day (May 3, 2022)
- Post messages of appreciation on social media
- Put together this cute and crafty “chill pills” gift for the office or teachers’ lounge
- Ask local restaurants, bakeries, shops, or spas to partner with you to provide teachers with a free item or small gift card
- Draw and write chalk messages on the sidewalks outside the school*
- Visit the staff parking lot and clean car windows during the school day; leave a note under the wiper*
- Write a letter to the editor of local newspapers
*Communicate with school administration and get permission, especially for anything you’d like to do on school property. If you’ve got a really neat idea, add it as a comment here.