Valley Grange of Guilford Celebrates Community!

Supper will be served from 5:30 — 7:00 or until the food runs out, so come early. Our upstairs hall will be turned into a social center and game room so you can visit with your neighbors, play a game, build a puzzle… have some good old-fashioned fun! This is a celebration of community–a gathering of friends, neighbors, and strangers., (You won’t be a stranger for long!) All are welcome! We have a Busy Box and Book Bin for kids! If you have a favorite board game, bring that along and challenge others.

If you’d like to help with the supper, call Mary at 564-0820 or Janice at 343-1842. If you’d like to help us spread the word, download and print this flyer/invitation. Give it friends, post it where you can!

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