Lyme Disease Awareness Poster Contest

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This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by UMaine Cooperative Extension

Each year, Maine CDC hosts an annual Lyme Disease Awareness Month poster contest for K-8th graders in Maine. Despite COVID-19, ticks and tickborne diseases are still a threat, especially among children in this age group. The topic of this year’s contest is “Tick Wise,” reminding everyone to be “tick wise” and take steps to prevent tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease.

The contest rules and release can be found under the “Lyme Disease Awareness Month” heading at

Posters will be accepted through Friday, April 29, 2022. Only one poster per participant will be accepted and posters must be accompanied by a signed release waiver. Winners in each category (K-1st grade, 2nd-3rd grade, 4th-5th grade, 6th-8th grade) receive a one-day park pass to any Maine State Park for their family and tick removal kits for their classroom. One grand prize-winning poster will be chosen to feature as the 2022 Lyme Disease Awareness poster for Maine CDC.

Please contact Maine CDC’s Vectorborne Disease Health Educator with any questions at

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