Grange Songs on the Promenade

On May 30, 2022, Memorial Day, at 3:00 pm at the bandstand in Ft. Allen Park on the Eastern Prom, Munjoy Hill, Portland, Mr. Brian Dewan will be giving a performance singing “Songs of the Patrons of Husbandry” and “Songs of Land & Sea,” accompanied by accordion and autoharp.

Some decades ago my family belonged to the Grange and 4-H and I was an officer in the Future Farmers of America. So I have a long-time appreciation of the music and the struggle.

I have heard Mr. Dewan, an “old” friend, perform and when he told me he was going to be passing through Portland after performing Down-east Memorial Day weekend for the Greenhorns it occurred to me the opportunity for this entertainment should be available to some Grange members in Southern Maine, as well as some of my neighbors who appreciate this kind of music.

Would you be so kind as to circulate this invitation in some fashion to your local membership?
Attendees might want to bring a blanket or lawn chair as there is no built-in seating around the bandstand. If a hot day perhaps also a water bottle.

Article by R. John Wuesthoff

Webmaster’s note: With sincere appreciation to an anonymous benefactor, this event is being offered at no cost! Grangers! Since there are nearly two months until the concert, there’s time to purchase and wear Grange T-shirts (if your Grange doesn’t already have them)! Show your Grange pride and support! Bring friends! Spread the word to your members and other Granges.

“I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing.” 

William James

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