No Bouncing?!

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Webmaster Walter shares an article that just might be about the Grange!

Here’s a link to an article by LaRae Que on “Becoming More Resilient.” I enjoyed the introduction because it challenges us not to try to “bounce back, but to “look for the deep healing…”

The article includes four quite specific and actionable ways to become more resilient in 2022. When I read the second one, I was almost expecting the last one to be “Join an active Grange and get involved in their programs and events.”

So the article has value to individuals. But it also suggests that we consider this question. “What is our Grange doing to help and support people as we “move through” the pandemic?”

How you can become more resilient” is published by Smart Brief an organization offering B2B content solutions.

Webmaster’s Note: There’s been some weirdness with the link to the article that I’ve been unable to correct… You may get a “404” (not found) message, but if you look below the message, a link to the article is right below “similar results.”

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