Valley Grange Gram

Grab a coffee or cocoa, get comfortable; we’ve got lots of exciting news for you!

Valley Grange is located in Guilford Maine. The Grange Gram is edited by Walter Boomsma, Valley Grange Program Director.

January Meeting

Sometimes just holding a meeting feels like a significant accomplishment! Special thanks to Snow Angels Brian and Cindy Woodworth for helping keep us plowed and shoveled for this meeting. We had a frozen well and frozen furnace—got the furnace running and carried water. While getting the hall ready, I kept reminding myself that we still have it a lot easier than our forebears!

The books were audited and found in order, so the treasurer is not under suspicion, and we are applying for renewal of our bond. The treasurer’s report for calendar year-end included an observation that our revenue was up 43% and expenses were up 29%. Still, it’s important to remember that this is over 2020, an exceptional year in every respect. In 2021 we actually spent $80 more than received and will likely need to consider a fundraiser in 2022. If you’d like a copy of the treasurer’s report, just let me know.

We tabled further discussion of hall rental until the February Meeting.

Our “Sock It to Us” program seems to be going somewhat viral! WABI-TV5 did a story that aired the same night as our meeting. (The link is on our website.) We have sox, hats, and mittens on the way to us from Sandy Williams in Pennsylvania… and the Jazz Hair Salon in Newport is collecting for us. Our next delivery is scheduled for mid-February, so keep collecting! Pat Engstrom noted that we should probably add Milo Elementary to our distribution—they house K-grade two students in that district.

Welcome New Members

The big news is that we are gaining new (affiliate) members! We were happy to welcome Nick Jackson and Sarah Mahan and their children to our meeting. It sure was nice to hear the “pitter-patter” of little feet in the hall! They are from Atkinson, where they operate Jackson Regenerational Farm. Check out their most recent newsletter and website to learn more about them—and see how they are already supporting the Valley Grange Sock Drive! Come to the February Meeting to meet the family! Emily is 7, Maverick is 6, and Olin is 2.

Town Meeting Support

We’re admittedly a bit behind schedule, but Mary Annis and I are working on the letters to area towns asking for support. Last year we received financial support from Abbot, Dover-Foxcroft, Ripley, and Wellington. As a reminder, it helps our cause if a member attends town meetings to speak about our request and answer questions. Help us put together a list of town meeting dates, and let us know if you are willing to help! We’ll be updating our project list and can help you with “talking points” if you’d like to represent Valley Grange.

February Pomona Meeting

Since we’re the only Grange in the area that manages to keep our hall open during the winter, we’ll be hosting the February Pomona Meeting on February 3, 2022. You do not have to be a Pomona Member to attend! For that matter, you don’t have to be a member! We’ve discontinued the potluck supper. We just ask for snacks and desserts and start at 7 pm.

February Valley Grange Meeting

The meeting Is on the third Friday, February 18, 2022, with a potluck supper at 6 pm and meeting at 7 pm. Grange Bees for this meeting are Janice and Walter. This meeting will be a “Cabin Fever Reliever” event… meet our new members, eat well, be happy! We’ll be discussing hall use procedures and our Community Citizen of the Year, including the Community Night Program in May. (I will be teaching in Augusta this day and not available to start the heat, etc. Volunteers to help Janice?)

Whatcha Got?

We need a few things for our hall! We keep a crate of children’s books—when kids visit they are encouraged to take home a few. We can always use a few more—all grade levels. We also would like to start an “entertainment bin” that would include activities especially for kids who attend meetings and events… coloring books, crayons, board games, and puzzles. (How cool would it be to have a puzzle going on one of the dining room tables?) I’ll grab a tote to fill… we can christen it as part of our February Cabin Fever Reliever Program!

Looking ahead

Of course, we’re somewhat at the mercy of COVID mandates and restrictions, but let’s keep in mind programs like GrowME, Newspapers in Education, and Bookworming! Wouldn’t it be great to “reactivate” some of those this spring? We’re still looking for a creative name for our Lap Quilts for Veterans Program… and Pat Engstrom says we should plan a “Blanketeering” Program soon… maybe in March? Attached is a program and meeting schedule as we know it!

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