Freeport Grange–Help Wanted!

The Freeport Harraseeket Grange #9 is putting on a Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast from 7 am until 10 am and is making a special offer to other Granges in the area. If members would help with the breakfast, the Freeport Grange is offering a chance to get a free breakfast, and an opportunity to watch the Freeport Parade which starts around 10 am. For more information or to volunteer, send an email to

St George Grange Kicks Off Music Mondays

MUSIC MONDAYS at St. George Grange located at 32 Wileys Corner Road, St George, ME. Live music every Monday at 7 pm. Enjoy the music, or you can join in. Bring an instrument and play with others. Do you have a good singing voice? Join us to sing, play, or just sit and enjoy a variety of live music. Music Mondays will happen weekly until October.

Kennebec Valley Grange Public Supper

Take Out Only!

Saturday, June 17, 2023

12 pm until 2 pm

A pint of baked beans (3 kinds), two hotdogs (gluten-free or red snappers), cole slaw, brown bread or biscuit, chocolate cake with PB or chocolate frosting–all for just $10.

Kennebec Valley Grange, 60 Main Street, Madison Maine

FMI: Diane Pinkham, 207 314-5135

St George Grange June Public Supper

Public Supper at the St. George Grange 32 Wileys Corner Road in St. George, ME on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 5 pm.
Come enjoy lots of homemade food with Grange members, family and friends. All welcome! We have public suppers the second Saturday of each month now until October.

President’s Perspective – June 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

I’m very pleased to announce we cleared over $1,000 at our recent yard sale and fundraiser event on June 3rd, selling lasagna & 3 kinds of baked beans, apple crisp & brownies and Visa gift card raffles. THANK YOU to the many, many helpers, Granges, and individuals who worked diligently cooking, baking, selling tickets, and making donations of food and funds for supplies to help make this a successful day. Thank you very, very much to Norma & Sharon, who helped me with the cooking, and Margaret, Maynard & Gladys, for making the apple crisp.  One of the $100 gift cards was won by someone from BIW, and the other $100 card went to a Grange member from Bingham.

June is the time for the election of officers.  As soon as the election has been held, the elected Master/President selects the Committee Chairs and committee members for their Grange. This should be done right away; no need to wait for the Installation of Officers to get your committees set up. Some of the most common Committees in our Granges are Legislative-Agriculture; Women’s Activities; Youth; Junior; Community Service; Family, Health & Hearing; Membership, and Others. Other Committees may be named as needed that may be specific to your Grange. Special Committees are set up as required for a special event or activity. Please tell your secretary who will be the chairmen, so she/he can report the roster information to the office.

We will be looking for the following information to be provided to us for each Grange:

  • Grange Name and Number; Street Address and Town of Grange Hall;
  • Meeting Day(s) and Time; Supper or Refreshments and Time.  (Maine State Grange By-Laws:  ARTICLE XXII – MEETINGS  Section 1.  The Bylaws of each Subordinate Grange should definitely fix the day and hour of all regular meetings.)

  Plus the following information for Officers and chairman.

  • Master/President: Name; Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.
  • Lecturer: Name: Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.
  • Secretary: Name: Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.
  • CWA Chairman: Name; Address; Phone; (Cell if they want it listed); and e-mail address.

We will be sending the 2024 Roster information forms to the Grange Secretaries next week. Please fill them out legibly and return them as soon as possible to the office. If you want to type the information out separately and mail or email it to us, that would be fine also.  I know I am repeating myself again, but remember Resolutions are due in the office by August 15th. Every resolution must have a title already named by the presenting Grange. Any resolutions to make changes to State or National Grange By-Laws must refer to the Article number; Section number; and sub-section number(s) and be written out in full as it currently appears in the State or National By-laws, then the new change written out in full with the change(s) to be made.

Wayside Grange Returns to Hall

“It’s nice to be back in the building,” says Dave Pearson during their first “Open Mic and Sunday Brunch.” Dave also gives us a tour and briefly explains some of the major repairs that have been made over the past year and a half. Public events were canceled in 2020, but behind-the-scenes care and maintenance of our 100-year-old building continued. The north wall has been reinforced, and an entrance has been made on the ground floor for access to the kitchen and dining room. Ellms Construction did the ground preparation, and Lancaster Construction did the wall reinforcement. Grangers are working on finishing the renovation building the roof over the entrance and restoring our dining and kitchen areas.

Wayside Grange and Theatre is located at 851 North Dexter Road (Route 23) in Dexter, Maine. Concerts are planned throughout the summer on the last Saturday of every month through October. Doors open at 6:30 pm, and Concerts begin at 7:00 pm.

Communication Shorts 6-1-2023

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

June Bulletin Deadline

Columns and articles for the June Bulletin must be received before June 15th. Earlier is good! Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page.

Monroe Classic Grange Store

As a reminder, the Monroe Classic Grange Store is still open as an officially licensed Grange Store. They carry a wide assortment of Grange-related and branded items such as jewelry, flags, signs, awards, fundraising and promotional items, apparel, signs, and name tags.

Cumberland Grange Information

We’ve had a request for information regarding “Cumberland Grange” from Judy Gagnon of the Cumberland Historical Society. Apparently, there were actually two: Cumberland #69 and Cumberland #500. If you can help Judy and the Society, please add a comment or let us know and we’ll put you in touch with her! Thanks!

Open Mic at East Madison Grange

Bring your talent and friends to the East Madison Grange for an Open Mic night on the first Friday of every month at 7 PM. Refreshments are available, free to the public, but donations are appreciated. Contact or 207 716-6441.

Do You Love the Grange?

The world wants to hear about it! Fill out the simple I Love the Grange Form… it only takes a couple of minutes! Thanks to all who have shared so far!

Ideas for Granges

How about a collaboration with your local Commission on Aging or another Senior Group to create a Grange Cares Day, a day when people are able to give back and help the senior citizens in their community?

Thought for You…

When everyone’s thinking alike, someone’s not thinking.”

General George Pattaon

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

Do You Have FOMO?

“FOMO” is, of course, a Fear Of Missing Out. One strongly recommended treatment is to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website. We’ll send you a daily summary whenever news and columns are posted, and we won’t share your email address with anyone!

Ag Committee Report — June 2023

By Wilma Grenier, MSG Ag Director
(207) 437-2099

On Thursday, May 4th, the Agriculture Committee of the Maine State Grange met at headquarters with eight members present.

The scholarship fund is currently at $5,980.42 due to fundraising and donations from the Grange Store at Fryeburg Fair, Maine Agriculture in the Classroom, and the raffle at the State Conference. Two of the three winners from 2022 have been paid. Sharon will contact the remaining student, Chantal Cyr, to see if she is eligible for her scholarship after the fall 2022 semester.

The group voted to fund five exceptional applications for 2023. 2023 Winners are:

  • Lily Mae Jaffray from Blue Hill to study Pre-Veterinary Science.
  • Emma L. Alexander from Dexter to study Forestry,
  • Zachary Dean Skidgel from Newport to study Sustainable Agriculture,
  • Grace Cassandra VanBuskirk from Thomaston to study Pre-Veterinary Science,
  • Ashley Nicole Stubbs from Addison to study Animal & Veterinary Science.

The committee discussed fundraising to continue the scholarship program into
the future and will conduct a raffle with the drawing at State Grange Session in October. Granges wishing to support the scholarship program should send funds to State Grange labeled AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP FUND.

2023 Fairs and events calendar was mailed by the State master to existing judges. Some fair dates may have changed. The Fryeburg Grange Ag Store moved last year and had a much better location. Volunteers are needed to work during the week of October 1 – 8. Let Sharon know if you would like to volunteer.

The group discussed the 2023 State Conference on October 20 & 21 (Friday &
Saturday this year) at the Auburn Masonic Hall, which is behind the Auburn Mall. It will start on Friday after lunch and include a Friday dinner banquet and Saturday lunch. The dining room made it difficult to hear a speaker last year, so the group decided instead to just draw the raffle winners and have some Maine Ag in the Classroom bookmarks and other information to hand out at the luncheon. It will be a very busy session this year!

MAITC supplied over 800 books for both virtual and in-person readings this year. The book was “Honeybee” and was very well received by everyone.
The committee will meet again at state headquarters in August to review Grange Enterprise applications, go over fall plans, and any other business. Please submit applications! They are due August 1, 2023. Be well, everyone! Spring is here, the rain has finally stopped, and the sun is shining!

Tick Talk

Reprinted from June 2023 Newsletter from the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands

Tick Bite Prevention

  • Wear protective clothing. This includes light-colored clothing so that ticks are easy to spot, long sleeves and pants, closed-toe shoes, and tucking pants into socks.
  • Treat clothes with permethrin. Do not use on skin.
  • Protect pets. Talk to your veterinarian about tick prevention products for your pets.
  • Wear EPA-approved repellent.
  • Stay on trails and be aware of tick habitat.
  • Check yourself for ticks. Check often during your outdoor activity and when you return to your campsite or home.

Learn about tick ecology, diseases, and prevention measures by watching the Forestry Friday Tick Talk presented by Chuck Lubelczyk, field scientist with Maine Health Institute for Research Vector-Borne Disease Laboratory.

Include this in your next Family Health and Hearing Report!