CWA Report — September 2022

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Here is the list of winners!

Needlework Contest:

  • Class A Afghan, Ellie Collins
  • Class B Doilies, Nancy Gowen
  • Class C Embroidery, Jackie Morgan
  • Class D 3 Piece Baby Set, Ann Burns
  • Class E Plastic Canvas, Ellie Collins
  • Class G Adult Garment, Ellie Collins
  • Class H Latch Hook, Lila Wilkins
  • Class I Quilted Wall Hanging, Kathy Gowen
  • Class J Stuffed Toy, Kathy Seigars
  • Class K Baby Afghan, Kathy Seigars
  • Class L Children’s Garments, Laurie McBurnie
  • Class M Tablerunners, Rachel Nelson
  • Class N Miscellaneous, Rachel Nelson
  • Class O Decorated Item, Norma Meserve
  • Class P Wooden Item, Kathy Gowen
  • Class Q Tote Bags, Ann Burns

Quilt Contest

  • Class A Barbara Carr
  • Class B. Rachel Nelson
  • Class C Jackie Morgan
  • Class D Karen McCarrick
  • Class E Ellie Collins

Baking, Jackie Morgan
Baking Jr., Mary Coffin
Dress-A-Doll, Jackie Morgan
Best of Show, Jackie Morgan

The winners from Classes A-K were sent to the Big E for New England judging. Thank you to everyone who entered items in these contests. You all do an amazing job. I will look forward to seeing your entries next year.

Also, a big thank you to my committee members, Cynthia Maxwell, Deb Ivers, and Deb Lancaster, for all of their help.

What’s for Supper? When is Supper? Where is Supper?

One of my frustrations as Communication Director is being asked a question about Grange activities and not having the information! As organizations seeking members and supporters, we need to be “out there” with readily available information. Let me share one question I just received with you.

What’s cooking at your Grange?

I have an email from someone interested in attending “Grange bean suppers in October, in the general coastal Maine region.”

So we know what’s wanted for supper, but we don’t know when and where supper is!

If your Grange is planning ANY fundraiser, activity, or special event, please submit the details for posting on the MSG website. The easiest way to do this is through the “Submit Information” tab at the top of the website. If you have photos or flyers, attach them to an email addressed to Make sure you cover all the details, including how someone can get “more information.”

This website averages thousands of views every month. Some of those people are looking for the event you’re holding. Why not tell them about it?

Once you’ve submitted the event, it’s easy to share it on Facebook and other social media. The website is a great place to start!

We are fast approaching the time of year for craft fairs and holiday events. Don’t forget those, either!

From the Deacon’s Bench — September 2022

By Clay Collins, MSG Chaplain
207 837-0564

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5

This month’s scripture can be somewhat confusing to some (I know it is to me: sometimes!). I have dwelt on this topic quite a bit. It was not until I heard a pastor preach on this subject recently that I have some understanding of what it means (or what it is trying to tell me!).

Most of you, who are reading this right now, might disagree with me, but that is your right as individuals. I, on the other hand, might just start a dialog with a few of you (I hope that is the case, as we need to be able to exchange ideas and views with one another).

I do not profess to be a Biblical scholar by any means. On the contrary, I try to maintain an open mind that is ready to receive the “word.” This scripture, to me, is saying that we all are one in the spirit, and the spirit is God the Father. He, and only He, knows us. He knows what we are thinking at all times.

You might think, “If He knows what we are thinking, what we want, and such, then why should we be bothered with prayer?” The answer, as I see it, is He might know what we are thinking and what we want, but He wants us to realize what we need, then ask for it!

It is like children wanting a new bicycle. Do they actually need it, or is it because their friends have one, and they do not want to be left out? As a parent, you know what they need, and that might not be a bicycle at that moment in time.

Yes, we are one in the spirit. We are His, and He is ours! He loves us (we are His children), good or bad.

 Until the next time, remember, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”

Benediction: “Gracious Father, help us to realize that when we are really one in the spirit and the spirit is God.  Amen.”

Thought for the month:
May the sun shine, all day long,
Everything go right and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true

an Irish Blessing for health and prosperity

Fraternal Concerns

Submitted by Master Sherry

Dick Burke former Deputy of York Pomona passed away in August, he was the husband of June Burke, Past State Lecturer.  Her address for condolences: 3 Milton Mills Rd, Lebanon, ME 04027.

Read the original obituary here.

Also, please keep these sisters in your prayers.

Christine Hebert, Past State Ceres had valve replacement surgery this week. Well wishes may be sent to 47 Stage Rd, Norway, ME 04268

Norma Haines, past Deputy has recently had back surgery. Encouragement and well wishes may be sent to PO Box 49, E. Baldwin, ME 04024

Paul loves the Grange!

The Grange really helped me with my PTSD meeting with people I knew and loved.

Paul Woodman, Perry Grange #324

What about you?

Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!

Lou Ann loves the Grange!

I love that Jonesboro Grange does community service for nonprofit organizations. We are one big family that cares about our community.

Lou Ann loves her Jonesboro Grange family

What about you?

Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!

Keep Maine Clean!

This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Davis, State Senator for District 4.

IF&W recently announced its “Keep Maine Clean” program will hold its annual Landowner Appreciation Day, which is set for Sunday, September 18, 2022. The program, which began in 2013, gives outdoor enthusiasts a tangible way to show landowners their appreciation for being able to use their land.

In past years, volunteers and game wardens have collected up to 100 tons of trash on over a hundred sites around the state, including thousands of tires and other debris.

Those interested in joining a group or starting your own clean up group are encouraged to call IF&W at 207-287-5240 or contact them by email. Volunteers who pick up the most truckloads of litter will be eligible to win prizes.

How about making this a community service project for your Grange?!

Valley Grange Gets Busy!

By Walter Boomsma, Program Director

Valley Grange is located in Guilford ME

It’s an exciting and busy time of year! I won’t be able to cover everything in this letter, so make sure you visit our website and/or Facebook Page. Are you receiving Valley Grange Grams by email? If you’re not on that list, send me your email address, and I’ll get you added!

First, make sure you add at least one jar of peanut butter and one jar of jelly to your shopping list. We are collecting on behalf of the Bangor Savings Bank PB & J Drive. Bring your donation to our next meeting on September 16, 2022 (potluck supper at 6 pm, meeting at 7 pm). There’s also a tote on the Grange Hall porch—you can leave donations there. Since this promotion only runs through September, please have your donations turned in by Monday, September 26!

We kicked off our Meat or Heat Raffle at River Festival but need to sell more tickets, so we’ve enclosed two books for you to sell or buy. (Tickets are $1 each or six for $5.) If you’d like more tickets to sell, contact Janice Boomsma (343-1496) or Pat Engstrom (564-8290). We’ll draw the winning tickets at our November 16th meeting, so please have all money and tickets turned in before then! You can mail tickets and checks to Janice at the address above.

Most have probably heard that Garland Grange has closed and returned its charter. While there aren’t too many, Valley Grange is inviting Garland Members to move their membership to us. While we certainly have our challenges, we continue to serve our communities and hope to keep our hall open through the winter months. Once we know who may join us from Garland, we will update our membership directory and make it available. Please make sure we have current information about you!

Dictionary Days are coming soon! We’ll soon be contacting the schools for third-grade census numbers so we can order dictionaries! It’s still a bit early to predict how deliveries will be accomplished this year—we’re hoping to be able to return to field trips to the hall and personal visits to the schools. I’d estimate that we’ll need at least nine cases of dictionaries this year. We all are familiar with inflation, so it’s not a surprise that the price has increased again this year, and we will likely need over $800 to continue the program. As a reminder, we typically supply over 200 third graders in Guilford, Harmony, Dexter, Dover Foxcroft, and Brownville.

Of course, in conjunction with delivering dictionaries, our Blistered Finger Knitters make hats and mittens, and we will continue the “Sock it to Us” program we started last year. 

I’ve had several inquiries about our Bookworming Program at Piscataquis Community School in Guilford. We’re hopeful, but it’s too early to declare whether or not we’ll be able to schedule those important visits with second and third-graders.

They don’t mail well, but I hope you have your “I love Valley Grange” pin! Between River Festival and our booth at the Piscataquis Valley Fair, we don’t have a lot left! People do love Valley Grange, and that’s one reason we’re able to support our communities! While some of our programs have been temporarily suspended due to COVID mandates and restrictions, many continue, and we always seek opportunities to serve.

Please consider a pledge to attend at least one Valley Grange event or meeting before the calendar year-end. While we have financial challenges, our greatest need is participation in our events and meetings. Here are some potential opportunities. More may be added.

Friday, September 16, 2022, potluck supper at 6 pm and meeting/program at 7 pm. Don’t forget to bring PB & J. (I thought about PB & J sandwiches instead of a potluck, but we’ll want to get as much as possible for Bangor Savings Bank. By the way, the Bank matches donations, so for every jar we donate, they add one!) Our program this night will include a discussion of resolutions to be considered at the state session in October.

Thursday, October 6, 2022, Piscataquis Pomona Meeting at 7 pm. We’ve discontinued the meal, but snacks and desserts are provided! You do not need to be a Pomona Member to attend… Pomona Lecturer Dave Pearson always has an interesting and fun program to offer!

Friday, October 21, 2022, potluck supper at 6 pm and meeting/program at 7 pm. Program to be announced, but we usually hear a short report of what happened at the MSG Convention, including new programs and contests.

Friday, November 16, 2022, potluck supper at 6 pm and meeting/program at 7 pm. Last chance to purchase raffle tickets (be sure to bring any you’ve sold to the meeting)! While plans are still being made, this will include something special in the form of an “open house” or the old-fashioned “booster night” when we celebrate the existence of our Grange! We also tend to extend a special invitation to the families of children receiving dictionaries.

Friday, December 2, 2022, fellowship breakfast for supper at 6 pm, holiday program at 7 pm. Neighboring Granges and friends are invited to join us for a warm evening of breakfast and fellowship. You can come in your jammies if you’d like!

And, by the way, dues are due in December! As postage costs continue to increase, reducing mailings becomes just one of the ways we try to be good stewards. Please ensure we have up-to-date contact information for you—especially an email address if you are actively using it!

As most of you know, I also serve as Communications Director for the Maine State Grange. I recently kicked off a program at the state level that collects “testimonials”— one or two sentences about why members love the Grange. If you’d like to participate, just go to the Maine State Grange website. There’s a link (red button) near the top that opens a simple form to collect your contribution. You actually don’t have to be a member to love the Grange!

However you’ve chosen to help Valley Grange and our communities, thank you! As always, if you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please let us know. Don’t underestimate your role and contribution. Everything and everyone helps!

Kassandra loves the Grange!

Our Grange is one big family. They welcome everyone. They are the heart of this community. Rebekah is an angel on earth!

Kassandra Holmes, Jonesboro Grange #357

What about you?

Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!

Amanda Jo loves the Grange!

I love the Grange because it’s not just a place, it’s a family! It’s the sense of community and all the smiling faces!

Amanda Jo Holland, Perry Grange #324

What about you?

Do you love the Grange? Can you explain what’s great about being a member? It only takes a minute to click the button and tell the world!