
Important Stuff!

-> October 18-19, 150th Annual Maine State Grange Session will be held in Auburn, Maine. More information available here.

  • October 19, 2024, the Sixth Degree will be offered at the State Grange Session in Auburn.
  • November 2, 2024, Deputy School at MSG Headquarters, starting at 10:00 am.

Fifth Degree Recipients

L-R Brenda Foss of Androscoggin Grange #8 of Greene Kathleen Meade of Harraseeket Grange # 9

Photo by David Colby Young

Brenda Foss and Kathleen Mead took their Fifth Degree Court of Pomona @ the monthly meeting of Androscoggin Pomona Grange #1 held at Danville Junction Grange #65 of Auburn, Maine. They both plan on taking their Sixth Degree next week to be held in Auburn, Maine, and Kathleen plans on going to National Grange in Nov to take her Seventh Degree.

Grange Today! 10-11-2024

The Newsletter of the National Grange

Articles in this edition include:

  • NC Grange leads disaster relief efforts
  • Kansas welcomes new President
  • VilleWorth Grange brings joy with flowers
  • Opinion: The expiration of the farm bill hurts us all
  • Cow chores require no secret code
  • Grange Foundation seeks Board candidates
  • Salmon River Grange member shoutout
  • Fairdale Grange golfs, donates
  • Youth volunteer at FarmAid
  • Granby hosts 2024 Connecticut State Grange Family Festival
  • National Grange Convention registration ends soon
  • Grange Member Benefit

    Click the button below to read and/or subscribe to Grange Today!

    Note that all recent issues are available on the National Grange Website. To save server space, we only post the table of contents on the MSG Website.

    Coming Soon-Another Resource!

    By Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

    For many Granges, the fall season includes a Words for Thirds Dictionary Program. (“Words for Thirds” is the phrase coined by the Grange to represent participation in The Dictionary Project.)

    Your Communications Department is working on some additional resources for Granges that are providing dictionaries to local schools. In anticipation of releasing these resources, it would be helpful to know which Granges in Maine plan on holding dictionary days during the Grange Year 2024-25.

    So far, we’ve created a list based mainly on what the folks at the Dictionary Project have listed, supplemented by previous website submissions. I think (hope!) it’s incomplete. Those Granges include:

    • Chelsea Grange #215
    • East Madison Grange #228
    • Maple Grove Grange #148
    • Mill Stream Grange #574
    • Old Town Riverside Grange #273
    • Valley Grange #144

    Words for Thirds was once a “signature” community service project for Granges. One of our resources is an article by The Dictionary Project’s Director, Mary French, explaining why it is still relevant today–perhaps even more than it was in the past.

    It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of this program. Valley Grange has reaped many benefits from providing dictionaries in our area for nearly two decades. This will be our twentieth year! We don’t do it as a fundraiser, but it sure helps us with it!

    Enthusiasm and communication are key elements. We’ll help with communication resources! You can help by letting me know about your participation. That includes what challenges you are facing, ideas you may have, etc. Right now, I’m especially interested in learning who is participating or considering it!

    Simple! Fill out the form below—don’t forget to press [submit] at the bottom! Thanks for your help and support!

    Name of person submitting
    Email address of person submitting
    What position, if any, you currently hold.

    Witches Faire at E Madison Grange

    The Witches Faire is a magical makers’ market and community event, with divinators, herbalists, crafters, and artisans vending. We’ll have crystals, ritual items, herbal products, jewelry, and more for sale, along with refreshments and kids’ activities. Sunday, Oct 27, 2024, 10 am-3 pm, at the East Madison Grange Hall. FMI call 716-6441 or email hideandgopeep@gmail.com

    East Madison Grange Poster

    Junior Report — October 2024

    By Betty Young
    207 786-2120
    Terry LaCombe Stevens,
    207 356-2492

    It seems hard to believe that we have almost finished another year of Junior Grange.  We look forward to seeing all of you at State Grange. We hope to meet our plus-one members. Stop by our table and purchase a ticket to win one of our fabulous prizes. Our Junior Grange Convention Schedule is:

    Thursday, October 17TH

    Rest/committee meeting for 2024/2025 to discuss Program Book. We are gathering national information, Big E, and state contests before we print them. We are in hopes of making a one-sheet page to follow throughout the year. We also are going to wait until after the Junior Director is appointed to finalize our 2025 year. Thursday night is not mandatory but we would be delighted if you would like to join us. Send Co-Director Terry dates your Grange would like to host Juniors. We will meet quarterly.

    Friday, October 18TH

    Breakfast, then head over to set up. PLEASE LET CO Director Terry know if you plan on helping set table and Junior items up. EARLY LUNCH- on our own together downstairs as we will need to take care of our table on shifts. Friday night banquet and late afternoon practice song if Kary feels it is needed. We may have time to rest late afternoon before dinner. Ages 5 to 14 wear red and Youth ages 14 up wear green. (Think about the drill we could do with our color scheme)

    Saturday, October 19TH

    Breakfast at hotel before our early birds open the table at convention. LUNCH, Ag Luncheon,  resolutions continued, and  6th Degree. We will also draw 50/50 and announce Raffle prizes. I’m not sure of the exact time so we will be flexible. Bird House pickup and Art/Photos will need to be taken home. We will all have dinner and a swim party. As you know the swim will be on your own as we don’t have a lifeguard so that we could make it a Junior Grange Event.  Dinner will be whatever you all agree on and this will be decided. Friday night at banquet.

    Sunday, October 20th

    Breakfast and leave for home until our next Junior Grange adventure/meeting. Watch for an email in late November after National Grange Convention.

    Banquet tickets closed on October 5th. If you would like to help at our Junior/Youth Grange table or join us for Saturday night’s dinner, please let one of the committee members know. If you are interested in joining or being a Director, contact the State Grange Master/President for details.

    Thank you all for the pleasure of being your 2023/2024 Junior Co-Directors.

    President’s Perspective – October 2024

    By Sherry Harriman,
    Maine State Grange President/Master
    207 490-1029

    Fellow Grangers,  I would like to strongly encourage our Granges and Grangers to do whatever they can to help our southern Grange families and friends. The note below is from National Grange President Chris Hamp.

    Brothers and Sisters,

    In the past few days, I have received many emails, texts, and phone calls asking how Granges can help with recovery in North Carolina following the devastation left behind in the wake of Hurricane Helene over the weekend.

    Please see the email sent from Jimmy Gentry, President of NC State Grange, with information on how to support their Granges.

    I encourage Granges at all levels to support your Brothers and Sisters in their time of need, as they, in turn, help their communities recover.

    In addition to North Carolina, we have also heard that Goodwill Grange, Virginia, and the surrounding communities received damage and are also in recovery. Goodwill Grange is known by its community for being an internet center, a vital need in rural southwestern Virginia.

    We are working with the Virginia State Grange and will disseminate information on how to help Goodwill Grange as soon as it is available.

    Please support these Granges and their communities in whatever ways you can.

    Thank you,

    Chaplain’s View – October 2024

    Christine Hebert, MSG Chaplain
    (207) 743-5277

    Fall is upon us

    Now that fall is upon us, it is time that we gather our winter flowers, apples, squashes, pumpkins etc., and put our gardens to bed. For the winter months are fast approaching, and there will soon be snow on the ground.

    Let’s remember that under the snow are tiny seeds that, with the sun’s love in the spring, will become the flowers and plants to grace our homes and yards in the next summer.

    How thankful we are to live in this glorious country. God Bless.

    “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways. You will eat the fruits of your labor: Blessings and prosperity will be yours.”

    Psalm 128:1,2

    “Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream, It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a fear of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

    Jeremiah 17:7,8

    Communication Shorts 10-5-2024

    By Walter Boomsma,
    MSG Communications Director
    207 343-1842

    Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Please send us your ideas and thoughts!

    October Bulletin Deadline

    October Bulletin columns and information are due by October 14th. Recent issues of the Bulletin can be found on the Program Books and Information Page.

    Fifth Degree Reminder

    On October 9, 2024, the Fifth Degree will be offered at Danville Junction Grange at 7:00 p.m. Contact Maynard Chapman at 207 312-5591 for information or to join.

    State Session Is Happening Soon

    Remember, complete information is available right here on the website!

    Have You Ordered Dictionaries?

    For most Granges, it’s “Words for Thirds” season! Look for some exciting news about this program here in Maine!

    Annual Reports and Program Books

    Those we’ve received are listed on the 2024 State Session page. We’ll be adding them to the Program Books and Information Page soon.

    Consider this Idea!

    Always have some kind of handout available at every event–even if it’s just a simple business card listing your meeting schedule.

    Think about this

    “I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” 

    Henry David Thoreau

    Submit Dates

    We’re opening the 2025 Website Event Calendar. Don’t forget to submit your dates!

    Online Directories Available 24-7

    • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
    • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

    Election Day Information

    Reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Maine Senator Stacey Guerin.

    Earlier this week, Maine’s Department of the Secretary of State released information regarding the upcoming election on Nov. 5, 2024. The announcement provided details on voter registration, absentee voting and an informational guide on referendum questions that are on this year’s ballot.

    Uniformed and overseas voters began receiving ballots on Sept. 19 in accordance with federal law that requires these ballots be sent at least 45 days prior to Election Day. Qualifying voters include spouses and dependents away from their Maine voting residence by reason of active duty or service of the member, and U.S. citizens currently living outside the U.S. and whose residence before leaving the U.S. was in Maine.

    Anyone who recently deployed or may otherwise qualify to receive an early ballot and didn’t request to receive one can do so here.

    Maine allows same-day voter registration, meaning Mainers may register to vote and cast their ballot on Election Day. However, anyone who wishes to use the state’s online voter registration service must do so before Oct. 16. Automatic voter registration during Bureau of Motor Vehicle transactions is available through Tuesday, Oct. 29. After those deadlines, registrations must be done in person at the voter’s municipality.

    The Department said in-person absentee voting begins in towns and cities around the state on Oct. 7. Absentee ballots to be filled out at home and sent back may also be requested by contacting local town or city clerks or by the state’s online portal. Absentee voting ends the Thursday before Election Day, which for this year is Oct. 31.

    Finally, the Department said the Citizen’s Guide to the Referendum Election, a non-partisan resource that can help inform voters about Maine’s five referendum questions appearing on the ballot this year, is available online. Copies of the guide are also printed and distributed to municipal offices and public libraries throughout the state.

    Webmaster’s Note: The guide offered in the last paragraph is a very thorough explanation of the referendum questions, fiscal impacts, etc.