Jonesboro Grange Delivers Backpacks

Jonesboro Grange Executive Committee member,  LouAnn Cox, led a backpack drive for kids in foster care. LouAnn has had first-hand experience working with kids placed in the foster system, and she knew the difference a backpack can make to a child. Generous community members bought backpacks and other items to create a special backpack for foster kids who may otherwise have nothing or carry what they do have in a trash bag. 

Pictured from left to right is Jonesboro junior Grange member Jennilyn LaRose, Jonesboro Grange members Hannah LaRose, Rebecca Trundy, and LouAnn Cox. Not pictured is Brad Coleman. 

On October 21,2022 LouAnn and members of Jonesboro Grange delivered over 60 backpacks and other needed items to the Department of Health and Human Services in Machias. 

Special thanks to Ellsworth Moose Lodge #2698 for their generous donation of backpacks! 

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