Communication Shorts 11-16-2022

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

November Bulletin

The November Bulletin is finished and ready for downloading and printing! Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page.

Contacting Your Grange

It seems that lately, I’ve had an abundance of communication issues… incorrect contact information, unanswered phone calls, and emails… We can do better! Please check the online Grange Directory and ensure the contact person listed is correct. Email any changes!

Website Progress

We continue to work on the site… while current postings and columns are a priority, we’re also bringing the Program Books and Information Page up to date and in compliance. If you need something and can’t find it, let us know!

Winthrop Grange

Winthrop Grange does close their hall each year from November through April and holds meetings at the local American Legion Post 40 on Bowdoin street in Winthrop on the first Wednesday of the month from 5-7 pm. Dorothy St Hilaire reports they are very much active and busy!

Free COVID Home Test Kits

With this link, Maine residents can order free kits with five (5) at-home rapid tests per household through DHHS’ partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation’s Project Access COVID Tests (Project ACT) program.

Do You Love the Grange?

The world wants to hear about it! Fill out the simple I Love the Grange Form… it only takes a couple of minutes! Thanks to all who have shared so far!

Ideas for Granges

How about a “Freebies Night?” Participants may drop off items they want to donate on one day. They may return on another day to browse and shop for items for free. Suggested Items: knickknacks, household items (small kitchen items), books, board games, holiday decorations, and craft items.

Thought for You…

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

Abraham Lincoln

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

Do You Have FOMO?

“FOMO” is, of course, a Fear Of Missing Out. One strongly recommended treatment is to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website. We’ll send you a daily summary whenever news and columns are posted, and we won’t share your email address with anyone!

Note that when you subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website, we do not share your email address with others and only use it to send you–at the most–one email per day when new information is posted.

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