Valley Grange Socks It to ’em!

“We stopped counting,” Community Service Chair Mary Annis said. “Thanks to members and friends, we were able to fill five bags with socks for our local kids. We used almost half of the dining hall to spread things out to sort!

Those bags are now being delivered to local schools (Piscataquis Community, SeDoMoCha, Brownville, Ridgeview, and Harmony Elementary) for distribution to kids who need them during what is undoubtedly some of the most bitterly cold weather. Windchill factors are taking local temperatures to as much as forty below zero. “Our volunteer deliverers are bundling up and wearing their own warm socks,” commented Walter Boomsma, Program Director, who is being assisted by Janice Boomsma and Pat Engstrom.

“We could call this ‘Operation Warm Toes,’” quipped Boomsma. “From the reception we’re getting while delivering, it’s safe to assume that this cannot be limited to a one-time effort. We’ve still got plenty of winter weather left and lots of little toes, so we’ll be asking for community support again.”

There are several ways to donate. Online shoppers can have an order drop-shipped to Walter Boomsma, 17 River Road, Abbot ME 04406. If you know a member of Valley Grange, contact them and arrange for a drop-off or pick-up. Valley Grange will be meeting on Friday, January 21, 2022–join us for potluck supper at 6 pm and “sock it to us.” There’s also a collection tote on the porch of the Grange Hall located at 172 Guilford Center Road in Guilford. “Just be careful,” Boomsma warns. “this time of year the steps aren’t always cleared off between meetings and events.”

Kids’ sizes and adults’ sizes are needed. Boys, girls, unisex… warm socks are best, obviously. The socks collected will be distributed to school nurses where there is a need. Thanks for helping us help the kids!

If your business or organization wants to serve as a collection point, contact Walter Boomsma at 207 343-1842 or Mary Annis at 207 564-0820. “We’d like to make our next delivery soon, probably early in February,” Annis said. We need to act fast! Thanks for helping us help the kids!”

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