Logophiles, Unite!

by Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

You don’t have to be a logophile (one who loves words) to appreciate the value of the Words for Thirds Dictionary Project. There are no losers in this program.

Kids get the gift or words. Teachers appreciate the resource. The sponsoring Grange gets both a good feeling and an increase in community support. I could go on…

Valley Grange’s Program is often described as a “rite of passage” by teachers and students. Kids in the districts we serve know that starting third grade means they will be getting their very own dictionary. Last year we had to pivot with our program since students making a field trip to the Grange Hall was not an option due to COVID. Since we also weren’t allowed to visit the schools, we arranged to drop off the dictionaries and created a video for the teachers to use.

One warning–the cost of the dictionaries has increased this year! As a publisher, I can assure you this is not unique to the Dictionary Project–costs are increasing dramatically for everything that goes into making and printing books. And it’s still a good deal! The dictionary Valley Grange uses has over 10,000 words in it. That means only .00035 cents per word, not counting all the extra stuff in the back!

This is a great time of year for the program so the kids get the use of their dictionaries for the entire school year.

We can’t be certain how we’ll distribute dictionaries this year but we are determined that we will! As one member said when I announced the price increase, “We don’t have a choice. We have to do this.”

If you haven’t been doing a program, this might be the year to start! Yes, I’m a bit of a logophile but I’m an even bigger promoter of kids and supporting them by providing this important tool. Sure, they can “google” words, but it’s not the same. If you’re not convinced, let’s talk!

Getting a program started with your local school doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Yes, there can be some challenges. One way to “grease the skids” is to find a teacher in your elementary school (ideally third grade) who has a passion for reading. Part of the secret is to make it clear that your goal is to support the school, the teachers, and the kids. Don’t think of it as “doing a Grange program.” Think of it as empowering the third graders in your community.

If you’re even mildly interested in providing “the gift of words” for the kids in your community, I’d be both honored and happy to help. Just let me know and we’ll see what we can put together.

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.


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