By Rick Grotton,
Membership Committee Director
207 582-5915
Spring has sprung and warmer weather has us out and about and ready to plant our crops. Enjoy the wonders of Nature as the seed becomes a healthy plant, then bearing fruit. We are grateful for all the resources that Nature provides so we can have a bountiful harvest.
I am pleased to hear that the Degree Days in April were successful as well as Granges that recruited new members. I know of fifty, yes fifty, new members who saw the degrees or were obligated last month. Our Grange had 2 who were obligated. Out of the fifty new members, three Granges alone totaled 36; Fairview (Smithfield) had 18, Meericoneag (Harpswell) had 10, and Androscoggin (Greene) had 8. I am also aware that Deering Grange (Portland) took in 4 new members! Keep up the good work!
The new members will need proper training in the ritual and floorwork. Please offer to help mentor them and provide them with the resources and information they can use to become active in their communities. In previous columns, it was explained how your Grange can help these new members. For a quick review, remember to greet them and make them feel welcome, listen to their ideas, get to know their interests, and have an active Grange for them to be able to participate in events. I am available to attend and mentor if needed. Membership takes work, but we are well equipped to handle the task with ease. Enjoy!