New Ventures Maine – Free Courses

Reprinted from an e-newsletter by Stacey Guerin, Maine State Senator, District 4

New Ventures Maine, a statewide program of the University of Maine at Augusta that has helped Maine residents venture in new directions for over 40 years through tuition-free programs for career, business, and financial education, has announced its next set of fall classes and workshops.

Offered at no cost to all Maine adults, the program includes in-person and online options as well as one-on-one coaching. They offer one-day programs and course-length classes that encourage and empower those thinking about making a change to take the next step towards financial security, a new career or even a new business.

With topics ranging from job searches, resume strategies and money management to career choices, interviewing and building confidence, the classes and workshops are easy to enroll in and some can even be taken at your own pace. For more information about course offerings and how to sign up, as well as success stories and other resources, please visit their website.

Secretary Helps – September 2023

By Sharon Morton
MSG Secretary
207 485-6197

Wow, where has summer gone?  I have enjoyed my summer camping, between the rain drops, and traveling to our Granges to help our State Master/President, Sherry, with informational meetings.  I hope that if you need more information regarding Grange procedure you will contact us here at State Grange Headquarters and we will be more than happy to help you. 


                Our office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am to 2 pm.  Please feel free to contact us by phone or email: (Headquarters); (Sherry’s) and (Sharon’s)  Our phone numbers are 207-623-3421 or 1-800-464-3421 (Headquarters); 207-490-1029 (home) or 207-432-6386 (cell) Sherry’s) and 207-485-6197 (cell) (Sharon’s).

Quarterly Dues

                State Grange is a month and a half away, and Community/Subordinate Quarterly dues must be paid in full to be entitled to have delegates for the session.  All quarterly dues include the following quarters: December 2022, March 2023, June 2023, and September 2023.  There are Community/Subordinate Granges that I have not received all reports (which includes September 2023)/  Letters will be mailed to those Granges that are in arrears.

State Grange Session

                This year, our registration area will be up and running for registration to begin at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, October 20th.  The Registration Committee will check you in and give you your delegate packet.  Please do not help yourself to try and help the committee that only confuses and makes for a stressful situation.  Please be patient as the State Session does not begin until 1:00 p.m.  The correct and easiest way to check in at the registration desk is to give your name and the Grange and/or Pomona you will be representing.  If you are a double delegate, you would state who you are and who you are representing a Subordinate Grange, as well as the  Pomona Grange.

Delegate Credential

                As your Grange elects your new slate of officers, you will then vote on who your delegate(s) to the State Grange Annual Session will be.  Please complete the form that was included in one of the mailings relating to the State Session.  This form is easy to complete. If your Master is unable to attend, but you have someone who will be coming to State Session, please send them as your delegate.  Your Grange is entitled to two delegates, and if you have two members who may be coming, they can be your delegates and in case one or both of your delegates are unable to attend you may have two alternates.   I would like your delegate credential FORM NO LATER THAT THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 9TH so that I can get name tags and material for Session ready, but they can be brought to State Session.  NO CREDENTIALS WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS ALL QUARTERLY DUES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. ( I LEAVE STATE HEADQUARTERS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19TH SO I WILL PICK UP THE MAIL THAT DAY)  ALL QUARTERLY DUES NOT RECEIVED WILL BE PAYABLE UPON REQUEST AT THE REGISTRATION DESK AND IF THE DUES ARE NOT ABLE TO BE PAID, I AM UNABLE TO ISSUE DELEGATE CREDENTIALS.   NO CREDENTIALS WILL BE CHANGED UNLESS THE PERSON IS LISTED ON THE DELEGATE CREDENTIAL AS AN ALTERNATE.  PLEASE NOTE YOU CAN ONLY REPRESENT ONE SUBORDINATE/COMMUNITY GRANGE.  IF YOU ARE REPESENTING YOUR SUBORDINATE/COMMUNITY GRANGE YOU CAN ALSO REPRESENT YOUR POMONA GRANGE.

Membership Recognition Form

                Please use the current Membership Application Form which is on our website.  If you are unable to print this form, I will more than gladly mail you copies of the newest form, which includes the newest prices for the 25-year certificate, Golden Sheaf certificate, 75-year Diamond Certificate and folder, 80-year letter and 85-year letter in a folder with letter from National President which are now $12.00 each.  ALL checks for Golden Sheaf certificates and up are made out to the National Grange with the correct shipping and handling which is indicated on the back of the application form.  Many secretaries are having a hard time with the requests for certificates for 50 years and above as their records do not reflect that date and Grange to which the member belonged.  I see this happening more and more often as a Grange closes and consolidates with another.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at Headquarters as there are means to check for that information.  It is very helpful if they (the member) remember when they joined and where they joined, and if they, in their Grange journey, changed Granges along the way.   


                As you are aware, the Company that held our database has been unable to provide us with a working membership database.  The State Master and I decided that this need was great, and Sherry has undertaken the task of creating a user-friendly database for our State Grange.  She has worked many hours using what membership information that I have had on file and an older copy of our membership database.  Now, your help is needed.  Upon getting the information compiled, she will be sending a membership list with your members.  Please have your members or you yourself, check the information, making sure everything is spelled correctly (name, address (mailing), email; telephone number), and most importantly, the date they joined the grange.    Remember Golden Sheaf members (50 years of continuous membership is indicated by a Y and would indicate Golden Sheaf membership before January 1, 2001 and the Maine State Grange does not pay dues to National Grange on those members.  YN indicates Golden Sheaf membership after January 1, 2001 and the Maine State Grange pays quarterly dues to National Grange on those members.  So please take the time to correct and complete the membership list of your Grange.  If you have a current updated membership list, please feel free to email or mail it.   I thank Sherry for her due diligence in completing this long-needed database.

Roster Information

                The list of officers of your Grange that is sent to headquarters to make up the State Roster is perhaps the most important report of all.  The information furnished on these lists become the connecting link between all Granges, National Grange, Subordinate/Community, Pomona, and State Granges across the land.  This information is used to compile a listing of the Master, Lecturer, Secretary, and Women’s Activities Chairman.  Therefore, it is very important that the names, addresses, zip code,  telephone numbers, and emails (if available) are correct, complete, properly spelled, and legible. 

                During the year, if any of these officers or their information changes, please notify Headquarters as soon as possible.  Please if you have not furnished your roster information by sending it with September 2023 dues report or emailing to  even if nothing has changed. 

And finally….

                I wish to thank all the Grange Secretaries across the great State of Maine for your dedication and devotion to the order.  We all realize that this group performs far beyond the “call of duty”.  I would like each one of you to know that it is greatly appreciated.

                Hope to see you all at State Session.  Until then enjoy the rest of summer!

EP Rock at Victor Grange in Fairfield

“Elvis” will be in the building on Saturday, September 30, 2023, at Victor Grange. Victor Grange is offering a public supper from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. and a lively performance by Elvis Impersonator Don Boudreau at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for supper and $10 for the performance ($20 for both).

Proceeds from the concert will benefit the Lafayette Cancer Center in Brewer, The Priscilla Rebekah Lodge #69, Sterling Rebekah Lodge #95, and Victor Grange #49.

Victor Grange September Newsletter

Victor Grange is located in Fairfield, Maine

Victor Grange of Fairfield has released its September Newsletter using an all-new method. While it’s not so easy for Barb Bailey, editor, it is fairly user-friendly for members and others. An email is sent to members containing a link to the newsletter hosted on Google Drive. We’re pleased to be able to share it with you!

The September Issue reports, among other things:

  • The Victor Grange Hall now has Wi-Fi available!
  • Two floors of the hall are now ADA-accessible.
  • They plan to remain open through the winter.
  • Future improvements include installing a generator (to qualify as an emergency shelter), new LED lighting in the kitchen, and a new kitchen floor.

But wait! There’s more! This Grange is so busy they even have their very own online calendar! They are hosting Computer Classes, AA Meetings, Public Suppers, Senior Circle Potlucks…

CWA Report – September 2023

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

Happy Harvest! Here is a list of the winners from the Needlework contest.

Class A. Afghans, Sherry Appleby
Class B  Doilies, Nancy Gowen
Class C. Embroidery, Gail Butterfield
Class  D 3 Piece Baby Set, no entries
Class E Plastic Canvas, Missy Baldwin
Class F Counted Cross Stitch, Sharon Morton
Class G Adult Garment, Laurie McBurnie
Class H Latch Hook,  Lila Wilkins
Class I  Quilted Wall Hanging, Kathy Gowen
Class J Stuffed Toy, Karen McCarrick
Class K Baby Afghan, Ellie Collins
Class L Children’s Garment, Laurie McBurnie
Class M Table Runners, Lila Wilkins
Class N Miscellaneous, Kathy Gowen
Class O Decorated Item, Norma Meserve
Class P Wooden Item, Kathy Gowen
Class Q Tote Bags, Karen McCurrick


Class A Hand Quilted, No entries
Class B Machine Quilted, Rachel Nelson
Class C Hand Tied, Ann Burns
Class D Pieced by entrant, quilted by someone else, Kathy Gowen
Class E Baby Quilt, Ann Burns

Dress-A-Doll, Kathy Gowen
Baking: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Paula Roberts

Class A – K winners were sent to the Big E for New England judging. Thank you to everyone who had entries in these contests. You all do an amazing job! For those of you who got your new booklet at the conference, there was an omission in the recipe for the blueberry cake. There needs to be a teaspoon of vanilla added to the recipe. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make all of this possible. Sherry and Richard for helping get everything set up. Cynthia for helping log-in entries and making coffee. Deb and Laurie for judging the cookies.  All of your help is greatly appreciated.

This 22-piece Plastic Canvas Dollhouse with furniture, including a toilet that the lid opens, a refrigerator with food inside when you open the door, a fireplace on one wall & a grandfather clock, a car, a baby carriage, and a family. The detail in this entry by Missy Baldwin of Hollis Grange was spectacular. Congratulations!

From the Deacon’s Bench – September 2023

By Clay Collins, MSG Chaplain
207 837-0564

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”      

Ephesians 5:15-16

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord, your God, who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

September has finally come, and so far, it brings with it some good weather! As we look back on the summer, or what was supposed to be summer, some might be thinking that the Lord had forsaken us. Believe me, He hasn’t forsaken us. He does have a plan for us all, but we have to believe in it and do our part.

We need to follow His law and treat our family, neighbors, and even strangers with love and respect. Remember the following:

We came naked,
We will go naked.
We arrived weak, 
We will leave weak.
We came without money and things,
We will leave without money and things.
Our first bath? Someone washed us,
Our last bath? Someone will wash us.

This is life!! We all need someone in our lives to help us with some things. We can’t do many things by ourselves. We all need help from time to time.

So why so much malice, so much envy, so much hate, so much resentment, and so much selfishness?

Be kind to everyone you come in contact with and do good deeds. Remember, we all have a limited time on planet Earth, don’t waste it in uselessness!

Until the next time, I continue to pray for good health for you and yours, and remember, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”

Don’t forget to thank a Veteran for his/her service in the defense of our country and pray for their safe return to their families!

Benediction: “Gracious Father of us all help us to remember that life is short –live it. Love is rare – grab it. Anger is bad – dump it. Fear is awful – face it. Memories are sweet – cherish them. Amen.”  

Thought for the month:

May the luck of the Irish
Lead to happiest heights
And the highway you travel
Be lined with green lights.

An Irish Blessing for Health and Prosperity

Lecturer’s Column – September 2023

By Margaret Morse, Maine State Grange Lecturer
207 439-0413

As the days rush towards October and the State Grange session, it may be time to look over the photos you have taken during the last year and decide which ones you are going to enter into the photo contest.  The categories for this year are water, animals, winter, and gardens. All photos must be turned in to the lecturer’s table no later than 2 p.m. on October 20, 2023. The photography contest is open to all Grangers and Junior Grangers as well as children and grandchildren of Subordinate members. The photographer must select the category for the entry and may enter as many photos in a single category as they wish. Entries, including matting or backing, must be no smaller than 4”x 6” and no larger than 11”x 14”. Frames and glass are NOT permitted.

Also, this year, the adult coloring contest is still open for all who find coloring challenging and/or relaxing. All entries must be from an adult coloring book and must be no smaller than 4”x 6” and no larger than 11”x 14”.

The Art contest for Junior Grangers will also be judged at this time. The mediums that will be judged include oils & acrylics, watercolors, charcoal or pencil, markers or crayons.

The photography,  coloring, and junior art contest entries will be judged against each other based on composition and arrangement,  presentation, and technique.  Junior Granger’s work will be judged in three age groups: 5 – 7, 8 – 10, and 11 – 14.

The photos will be judged during the afternoon of October 20, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded, as well as Best in Show. Also, again this year, a people’s choice will be awarded based on members’ voting.

Kennebec Valley Grange Take-Home Lunch

Annual Carroll Dean Memorial Agricultural Scholarship Fundraiser

October 28, 2023, 12 – 2 p.m. at the Kennebec Valley Grange, 560 Main Street, Madison, Maine, during their weekly flea market.

The menu includes Pit ham, baked beans, mac and cheese, and a variety of other casseroles, apple crisp, or pumpkin pie for $10.00. We will also have our regular pints and quarts of baked beans or dynamites for sale to go. For information, contact Diane Pinkham at 207-314-5135.