Sweet, Savory and Song at Tranquility Grange in Lincolnville

According to an article in the Penobscot Bay Pilot, Katherine Rhoda will perform at the Tranquility Grange on Saturday, August 19, 2023, as part of a fundraising event benefiting the Grange and the Lincolnville Historical Society.

The doors open at 6 p.m. for an hour of nibbling (drinks and finger foods) and chatting; Katherine will begin the program at 7 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults, $5 for those under 12, and following Grange tradition, under 4s and over 90s get in free.

Image courtesy of Katherine Rhoda

Katherine is well known in Grange Cirles for her love of Grange tunes and “heartfelt music foster authentic human connection using a marxaphone, violin-guitar, harpeleik, and more. For more information about Katherine and her music visit her website or Facebook Page. For more information about the upcoming event, see the article cited at the beginning of this post.

Tranquility Grange is located at 2177 Belfast Road in Lincolnville.

Communication Shorts 8-8-2023

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

The 2022 Journal of Proceedings is now available!

The Journal of Proceedings is, in short, the minutes of (in this case) the 2022 149th Maine State Grange Convention. It is of particular importance to those who will be delegates to this year’s convention, as you’ll likely want to compare what happened last year in anticipation of this year’s convention. You can download the 2022 Journal of Proceedings for viewing–it’s a lot of pages to print! The Journal will also be available from the Program Books and Information Page.

August Bulletin Reminder

The August Bulletin deadline is August 14, 2023. Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page. The August Bulletin is in the works!

Very Important Roster Reminder!

 You saw it first in Master Sherry’s August Column, but please remember that your Grange’s current information is needed for the 2024 printed roster. A printed form requesting the information was sent to all secretaries, but you can also send it by email to MSG Secretary Sharon.* The information required includes:

  • Meeting day and time
  • The physical address of your hall
  • Names, addresses, and phone numbers of Master/President and Secretary. (Email addresses are great as well.

*Please copy the webmaster so we can keep the online directory as accurate as possible.

Resolutions Are Due!

If your Subordinate or Pomona Grange prepared a resolution this year, remember that it must be submitted to headquarters by August 15, 2023.

150th Maine State Grange Convention

This is the first part of a “coming soon” webpage we’re working on that will contain everything you wanted to know (and more!) about this year’s convention. Save the date!

Free Pesticide Disposal

Reprinted from an e-newsletter from Senator Stacey Guerin, District 4

Maine residents looking to get rid of pesticides can take advantage of the Obsolete Pesticide Collection Program, a joint initiative of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Board of Pesticides Control (BPC) and Maine Department of Environmental Protection. The program aims to safeguard Maine’s natural resources and prevent agricultural pollution by promoting the safe and proper disposal of outdated, unused or unwanted pesticides.

Homeowners and family-owned farms are encouraged to bring their unwanted pesticides to several collection sites around the state. Pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, disinfectants and similar products used in agricultural production or around the home.

The next collection days will be held in October, with one-day events scheduled in Presque Isle, Bangor, Augusta and Portland. Pre-registration is required by Sept. 29 to participate; drop-ins are not permitted. Each registration must be from the person currently possessing the pesticides; and materials collected on behalf of others will not be accepted. The program only accepts pesticides and spray adjuvants – a list of more than 11,000 registered products can be accessed here. For more information about the program’s drop-off locations or instructions on how to register, visit BPC’s webpage.

President’s Perspective – August 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

RESOLUTIONS are due in the office on August 15, 2023. Any resolutions received or submitted after the August 15th  deadline date will not be considered at this year’s 2023 Annual State Session. Resolutions are printed and then mailed back to each Grange. This all takes time.  

Just like elections, Granges are required to install their officers usually in September or as soon as practicable after elections. There are not many installation teams traveling the state to perform the ceremony. The Installation Ceremony may be handled by each Grange on their own. There is an official alternative Installation of Officers printed in the new manual that can easily be followed by your members with one person taking charge, all participating or just a few. This alternative ceremony contains half the words as the original one, which is also in the manual.  

Grange Committees are appointed by the Master/President-elect (whether newly elected or re-elected) and are responsible for asking the people to be involved. The Committees are responsible for organizing and implementing their programs in Subordinate, Pomona, and State Granges. Each level has more responsibilities and activities for the membership. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact the Master/President of your Subordinate or Pomona Grange.  The State level is also looking for members to get involved with Committees and being Deputies, this being an election year, some officers, deputies, and committees may change.

This is a good time to remind you that your Grange Secretary’s and Treasurer’s books are to be audited at least once a year, and carrying that out close to installation is the perfect time to get it done.  The Executive Committee and/or the Finance Committee of your Grange are the ones to carry out the audit.  Written records should be kept for all accounts in the Grange, receipts and expenditures. 

Maine State Grange By-Laws:  Article XXI – Subordinate Officers and Their Duties
Section 8.1  It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee of each Subordinate Grange to see that the books of the Secretary and Treasurer and any other funds of the Grange are audited at the end of the fiscal year.      

You will need the  Secretary’s Records and Secretary’s Order Book.  This is the 5×7 book the Secretary writes what bills have come into the Grange and need to be paid with an amount listed. This record book also includes donations made to whom, etc. You will need the Treasurer’s books, checkbook, bank statements, savings book, etc., and receipt book (for funds received from the Secretary).  You compare the Secretary’s minutes and Order Book with the Treasurer’s checkbook and statements for receipts and expenditures.  All items should match between the Secretary and the Treasurer.  All Committees of the Grange that handle funds, such as CWA, Lecturer, Chaplain, Bingo, Dinner, Fund Raising, etc., should also be keeping written records of receipts and expenditures to have audited at the end of the Grange year.

Another reminder, 28 Subordinate and 7 Pomona Granges have provided your 2024 Roster information.  Even if there were no changes, a report needs to be sent, either the printed form or typed in an email.  During the order of business, the Master asks, “Have the reports to the Pomona and State Granges been duly and promptly made?” This includes this request for information. You may not have every committee in your Grange, but we still need the information you have, especially the meeting day & time, the address of your meeting hall, the Master and Secretary’s names, addresses, and phone numbers. Something I did notice on the ones I have received, several of the Granges have changed their meeting day and/or time. That is a By-law change and there is a proper procedure to make those changes correctly, then the change must be submitted for approval by MSG.  The Article, Section, and Sub-section numbers/letters must be stated in the by-law change request, the current information completely written out then the requested change completely written out. All your members must receive a copy of the proposed change(s), and it will be voted on as a motion at a subsequent meeting from when it is first introduced.  After the affirmative vote of the Grange, the same old and new printed information is sent to the State Master for approval. It will take effect after I sign it.

The 150th Annual State Grange Session is Oct. 20 & 21 at the Auburn Masonic Hall located at 1021 Turner St, Auburn.  Please note this is a Friday and Saturday event. Anyone may attend the session. Letters about the session will be going out next week to the Granges, which will include the Delegate Registration form, schedule, meal information, and hotel info. All information will be posted on the website. Resolutions will be sent after the 15th of August.

Friday, Oct. 20 — 1:00 p.m. opening & business. 2:00 State Master’s Address.  2:45 Memorial Service,  3:45  Resolutions and National Grange Rep. guest speaker,  6:00 p.m. Banquet by Pine Cone Eastern Star Chapter here in the Masonic Hall – tickets $16.00 purchased in advance. Awards will be presented upstairs after the banquet:  Junior Presentation, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Membership, Educational Aid and Howe’s Nurses Scholarships, and others.

Saturday, Oct 21 — 9:00 a.m. opening, acceptance of budget, full election of officer(s), resolutions and reports mixed in with elections as needed & installation of officers.
12:00 Ag Luncheon – tickets $10.00 purchased in advance.
1:30 Call back to order – business continues.
Conferral of the Sixth Degree will be at 2:30 p.m.   ($10 fee for 6th Degree candidates) (must have had the 5th Degree or 5th Degree Obligation to take the 6th Degree)

Fair Season is in full swing, and I hope you get a chance to attend a few of them, there are lots of things to see and do.  Here are some of the results of the Grange exhibits I have heard about so far:

Ossipee Valley Fair:
1st Maple Grove 148
2nd Waterford 479
3rd Saco 53
Monmouth Fair:
1st Winthrop 209
2nd Waterford 479
3rd Enterprise 48
Pittston Fair:
1st Enterprise 48
2nd Chelsea 215
Maine State Junior Grange received 1st Place award also.

Congratulations and compliments to all who put together these wonderful displays, thank you for your hard work. We are looking forward to seeing more this summer. Thank you, judges!

Grange Heirloom — August 2023

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Rituals and Declaration of Purposes.

Use the icons below to share this Grange Heirloom on social media and help others understand what the Grange stands for! If this heirloom has a particular meaning for you, click the “leave a comment” link at the left and share your comment with us!

For additional information and resources regarding the Heirloom Program, visit the Heirloom Resource Page on the Maine State Grange Website.

Notes from National – August 2023

Did you catch August 4’s Patrons Chain? Being fair/festival season, we have a MEGA DEAL on the Grange Comic Books – they’re FREE (you just pay shipping). Contact Loretta to order packs to give out at your events.

Contest deadlines for many National Grange contests are approaching! Due by September 1st are: Cape of Honor (Juniors), Garden Design Contest (Lecturer), GRANGE Youth Pillar Project (Youth), Grange in Action (Programs/Membership), Grassroots Advocacy Award (Legislative), Horizon Leadership Ambassador/Young Patron applications (Youth), John Trimble Youth Legislative Experience (Youth), Junior Mentor Award (Youth), National Junior Grange Ambassador applications (Juniors), Publicity Item (Communications), Quilt Block Contest (Lecturer), State Junior Director Reports (Juniors), Virtual Photo Contest (Lecturer), Weather Watcher Challenge (Lecturer), Wib & June Justi Community Service Award (Youth/Community Service), Youth Membership Recruitment Award (Youth/Membership), Youth Officer Council applications (Youth), and the Youth Officer T-Shirt Design (Youth). That’s a lot! More information on all of these can be found in the Contest Guide or in the Junior & Youth Program Handbooks.

The July issue of Good Day! magazine has been sent out to subscribers. This quarterly magazine is just $16/year, including information on what’s happening in Granges around the country, the National Grange, rural America, and so much more! Subscribe here: https://www.nationalgrange.org/good-day-magazine-subscription/ OR our digital editions at http://www.issuu.com/grangegoodday

We also encourage all members to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter The Patrons Chain. This newsletter includes columns from National Grange Staff & Directors, information on upcoming National Grange events, and updates on what’s happening in rural America and in our nation’s capital in our monthly “View from the Hill” legislative update. Subscribe at http://www.nationalgrange.org/subscribe 

Early Bird registration for National Grange Convention closes on September 4th. This means that on September 5th, the price for registration rises by $5. Information on this year’s Convention and the registration forms can be found at http://grange.biz/Convention157. We encourage ALL members to attend each year’s Convention to experience the work of the Grange, the fellowship, the workshops, and the great work each host committee puts into making the Convention special for the region.

Are there topics you would like to see covered in a future Zoom from a National Grange staff member or department director or officer? Please let us know! We’re always working to ensure our topics are in line with what our members want or need to hear from us.

We hope to see you “at” some of our August Events!

National Grange Heirloom Program

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges. Information and materials are now available on the National Grange Website.

“Notes from National” is based on a monthly email received from the National Grange Communications Department.

Communication Shorts 8-1-2023

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

August Bulletin Reminder

The August Bulletin deadline is August 14, 2023. Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page.

Welcome Pleasant River Grange #492

Pleasant River Grange in Vinalhaven now has an Internet presence! Check out their website and Facebook Page. (Links have been added to the list of Subordinate Grange Links.) Remember, if your Grange has a site or Facebook page, let us know! We’ll help promote your Grange an your events, but you have to tell us about them!

What Can You Say Other than “WOW!”

 In the past thirty days, the most visited post/page was the article about Mill Stream Grange’s Tool Lending Library–nearly 300 visits! It is the top-ranked post for the month, beating out everything else–even the program books and information page! There might be a message in this for us–when we are meeting community needs in a practical way, people are interested! Way to go, Mill Stream Grangers!

National Farmers’ Market Week

Did you know that August 6 – 12, 2023 is National Farmers Market Week? Now in its 24th year, National Farmers Market Week (August 6-12, 2023) is an annual celebration that highlights the vital role farmers’ markets play in our nation’s food system. For additional information and resources, look here!

Ideas for Granges

Most aren’t anxious to start thinking about fall, but maybe we can let the fun continue! Could your Grange sponsor a Harvest Festival–a celebration of the season and the harvest?

2023-2024 Events Calendar

This is a great time to start planning your programs and events for the next Grange Year. Please submit the information for posting on the MSG Website Calendar.

Thought for You…

Each of us has about 40 chances to accomplish our goals in life. I learned this first through agriculture, because all farmers can expect to have about 40 growing seasons, giving them just 40 chances to improve on every harvest.”

Howard Graham Buffett

Do You Love the Grange?

The world wants to hear about it! Fill out the simple I Love the Grange Form… it only takes a couple of minutes! Thanks to all who have shared so far!

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

Do You Have FOMO?

“FOMO” is, of course, a Fear Of Missing Out. One strongly recommended treatment is to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website. We’ll send you a daily summary whenever news and columns are posted, and we won’t share your email address with anyone!

St George Grange August Public Supper

Public Supper at St. George Grange 32 Wileys Corner Road in St. George, ME, on Saturday, August 12, 2023, at 5 pm.
Enjoy lots of homemade food with Grange members, family, and friends. All welcome! We have public suppers on the second Saturday of each month until October.

Parkman Grange to Award Scholarships

Saturday, August 12, 2023, will be the ninth annual  Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship Supper, sponsored by Parkman Grange, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., at the Grange Hall, State Highway 150, and North Dexter Rd. The supper, featuring smoked pork loin, baked beans, salads, and desserts, is open to the public by donation. All monies will go to the Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship Fund. 2023 Scholarships will be awarded at the supper.

Minnie Bridge was a lifelong resident of Parkman, ME, a retired school teacher, and a life member of the Parkman Grange. In her memory, the Grange established the Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship Fund to benefit deserving SAD 4-area students continuing their education beyond high school.  The Grange annually awards one or more Scholarships of $500 each, funded through donations and the annual suppers in Minnie’s name. To date, the Grange has awarded $13,000 in scholarships to deserving SAD 4-area students. For more information, contact Sue Manchester at 277-3942.

Valley Grange Thanks MHFCU!

Twice a month, the employees from each of the six offices of Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union dress casually for “Caring for Community.” Each employee pays $3 for the privilege of wearing jeans and a Caring for Community Shirt. The total funds collected on these dress casual days benefit a local non-profit organization. Valley Grange of Guilford was recently named the recipient of those funds. Thank you, Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union Employees, for supporting our programs! Members and friends of the Grange, please say “thanks” when you visit one of the MHFCU offices!