Celebrate Veterans’ Day 11-11-2023

The artwork is by Larry Bailey, Master of the St George Grange. The Grange invites all to celebrate our Veterans by joining the St George Odd Fellows on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 5 pm until sold out. This will be a sit-down Bean Supper at the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Saint George Lodge #132, 7 Elementary School Road, Tenants Harbor, Maine 04860. Takeout will be available. Veterans eat free! Others by donation.

Communications Column – November 2023

Now It’s Your Turn! It’s Directory Day!

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

We’ve made lots of changes to some of your online resources. Now it’s your turn to help!

The online ODD (Officers, Deputies and Directors) Directory has been updated! These online directories can make life simple because they are sortable and searchable. I’ve asked ODDs to verify the accuracy of their contact information and have created a one-page printable directory. A copy is available online for download and printing and a printed copy will be sent to Grange Secretaries with the November Bulletin.

The Online Directory of Granges contains a sortable and searchable list of community Granges in Maine with an address and person to contact for more information. It is one of our most frequently visited pages! This proves that people are looking for Granges near them for many different reasons. Again, the accuracy of this resource is extremely important. I’m asking local members to check your listing and ensure it is accurate. The most recent update did not include email addresses–these are important in today’s society. If you find errors or can add an email address, please send the information to webmaster@mainestategrange.org.

The Program Books and Information Page has been updated and reviewed. It’s tempting to say, “If it’s not there, I don’t have it!” Actually, that would be true! Annual Reports, Program Books, etc., have been posted–if there’s something missing or you would like to see available, let me know!

It’s worth the most when it’s the most difficult to find.

Seth Godin

I just completed a round of dictionary day presentations at schools in our area. On the upside, it’s great to see the kids become engaged and excited about the words and facts that are in the dictionary. On the downside, some become very frustrated when they can’t find an assigned word. Most need to learn and practice dictionary skills such as the use of the guide words. Occasionally, a student will ask if every word is in the dictionary. I like to think we trigger some curiosity and hunger. I tell the kids that they are not only getting a dictionary, they are getting “all the words that are in it.”

But what makes the program truly powerful is that it’s one dictionary to one kid. Like the farmers’ tools we demonstrate, it’s a resource and a tool.

So maybe I will declare a “directory day.” Our directories are resources and tools. Farmers take good care of their tools. The last word we look up together during dictionary day is “steward” — one who watches over things. I often tell the kids the true story of a high school senior meeting me on the street. She recognized me and wanted to tell me she still has and uses her dictionary. Valley Grange has been distributing dictionaries for twenty years. Maybe we should have a contest to find the oldest one still in use!

Being a good steward of the website means helping to keep it accurate and timely. Please report missing, incomplete, or inaccurate information. Submit your events and news for posting. Tell us why you love the Grange! Tools that are used frequently are usually the best maintained. They don’t get a chance to rust out!

We promote the fact that we are a fraternal organization and are actively seeking members and supporters. Can we get as excited about the tools we have as the kids do about their dictionaries? We have program books and information! We have directories and a place to list Grange Events around the state. Not only do you have the website, you have everything that’s on it!

FACT: During the month of October 2023, the MSG website was visited over 2,100 times by nearly 850 people.

The Chaplain’s View – November 2023

By Christine Hebert, MSG Chaplain
(207) 743-5277

As we move forward from the tragic event in Lewiston last month, let us not only reflect on the losses but also on the love and generosity of the many strangers who demonstrated bravery, love, and support for the victims and their families.

Let us continue our journey, showing our Sisters and Brothers the same kind of bravery, love, and support as those strangers showed to those in need. 

“It is better to trust in the Lord then to put confidence in man.”

Psalms 118: 8 (KJV)

Grange Heirloom — November 2023

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Rituals and Declaration of Purposes.

Use the icons below to share this Grange Heirloom on social media and help others understand what the Grange stands for! If this heirloom has a particular meaning for you, click the “leave a comment” link at the left and share your comment with us!

For additional information and resources regarding the Heirloom Program, visit the Heirloom Resource Page on the Maine State Grange Website.

More Resources for Granges!

We continue to add resources from the 150th State Session. These can also be found on the Program Books and Information Page.

  • Role of the Lecturer — This handy four-page document prepared by MSG Lecturer Margaret Morse summarizes the job description of lecturers and offers plenty of great tips and suggestions.
  • Creative Writing Results — This booklet includes the poems and skits submitted for the 2022-23 Lecturer’s Contests.
  • Moments in MSG History — prepared by MSG Lecturer Margaret Morse for the 2023 State Convention, these make for fascinating reading! They could also serve as the basis of a lecturer’s program or trivia contest!

President’s Perspective – November 2023

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

Deputy School will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Instruction for Ritualistic Floor Work at State Grange HQ, 146 State St., Augusta. (weather permitting) Call Sherry’s cell if there is any question.

We will cover:

  • Opening & Closing (Opening the Bible, Presenting the Flag, Introducing Honored Guests, and Draping the Charter)
  • How to properly make the Salutation
  • Review the report form
  • Go over Officer, Deputy, and Director duties

 Once again, I am offering to hold instruction meetings around the State starting in the spring, please invite me to your area or Grange, I would prefer a Saturday meeting during the day but could accommodate an evening if requested.  Everyone is invited to attend.

State Grange was a wonderful success once again. Election of Officers was held, thank you for your confidence in re-electing me to Master/President. Other officers elected: Mike Griffin, Overseer; Missy Baldwin, Lecturer; Ben Edgerly, Steward; Rick Grotton, AS; Roberta Meserve, LAS; Christine Hebert, Chaplain; Laurie McBurnie, Treasurer; Sharon Morton, Secretary; Pete Ivers, GK; Betty Huff, Ceres; Kathy Gown, Pomona; Debbie Ivers, Flora and Jim Meserve, EC. Thank you to the tellers for helping with election and the Master’s Address committee.

A sincere thank you to our retiring officers Margaret Morse, Lecturer; Steven Haycock, Steward; Clay Collins, Chaplain; and Vicki Huff, Treasurer; we appreciate your dedication to the Grange and wish each of you much success.

Thank you to the 69 Delegates and 30+ Members who attended. A lot of awards & certificates were presented, the Juniors participated, a heartfelt Memorial Service was held, our National Grange Rep Cindy Greer gave us some inspirational words of wisdom, and a wonderful banquet and luncheon was enjoyed. Welcome to our nine new State Grange members who received the 6th degree. I would like to hear from you what you thought of the schedule. I like the facilities and most likely will return there again. There is a lot less work to do to set up for the meeting, degree, and sales room, plus you can’t beat the price, it is excellent. I am open to other options.

A BIG thank-you to ALL who stepped up to fill in or help out in any way, it was once again a great show of teamwork and helped make a very successful session. Officers, Deputies, Department Directors, and Committees, thank you for your continued work during the past years. Several of our Deputies, Directors, and Committee members have changed and I am looking forward to working together with each of you. I have included the list here.*

The new roster will be sent to the printer at the end of next week. I have heard from about 2/3 of the Granges.

You may download the new program books and annual reports from the web under “Program Books and Information,” or if you want a printed copy, email the office or me and we will send them to you. You may request all or just select ones. Agriculture, Community Service & Family, Health and Hearing, Communications/Web, CWA, Junior and Lecturers. Agricultural Scholarship, Educational Aid & Howes Nurses Scholarship requirements and applications can also be found on the website or requested from the office.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Hug your family and friends. Help someone today.

*Note: The Communications Department is developing a one-page ODD directory based on this information. A copy will be mailed with the Bulletin. A copy will also be available for download and printing from the MSG Website.

Free Mental Health Program Available

Lecturers, FHH Committees, Community Service Directors…

There’s a mental health crisis in rural America: Suicide rates are 64% to 68% higher for people living in rural areas than people living in big cities. And although people who live in rural areas have higher suicide and depression rates compared to city residents, they are less likely to access mental healthcare services.

There’s a new free program to help improve mental health in rural communities – the Rural Mental Health Resilience Program. Developed by Rural Minds and the National Grange, the Rural Mental Health Resilience Program is a collection of free, potentially life-saving mental health information and resources that can help provide support to those who are struggling with mental health.

To learn more about the Rural Mental Health Resilience Program and to access, download, and print the free program materials, click here: http://www.ruralminds.org/resilience.

Communication Shorts 11-1-2023

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

November Bulletin Reminder

Columns and Posts for the November Bulletin are due on or before November 14, 2023. Remember, you can always find recent issues of the Bulletin on the Program Books and Information Page.

Planning a Holiday Event?

Are you planning a holiday event such as a Craft Fair or Party? Don’t forget to submit the details for a website post and event calendar listing!

Honored Members

According to the most recent issue of Good Day! Magazine, we have three members who recently reached 75 years of continuous membship:

  • Nancy Gowen, Highland Lake #87
  • Shirley Hatch, Danville Junction #65
  • Donald Proctor, Danville Junction #65

And two members who recently reached 50 years of continuous membership:

  • Sally Jo Kinney, St George #421
  • Elizabeth Vanidestine, Bangor #372

Honoring New Members

You may submit the names of new members so they can be recognized in Good Day! by emailing Philip Vonado or by calling (814) 404-7985.

Ideas for Granges

Here’s a link to a short Seth Godin Post. Lecturers may find it particularly useful–it’s a short activity that demonstrates “We get much further together!”

Thought for You…

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.”

Erma Bombeck

Do You Love the Grange?

The world wants to hear about it! Fill out the simple I Love the Grange Form… it only takes a couple of minutes! Thanks to all who have shared so far!

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!

Do You Have FOMO?

“FOMO” is, of course, a Fear Of Missing Out. One strongly recommended treatment is to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website. We’ll send you a daily summary whenever news and columns are posted, and we won’t share your email address with anyone!