Is It Time for a Re-run?

Are you old enough to remember when television programming involved sometimes dreaded and sometimes eagerly anticipated summer re-runs? What we call “media” was certainly different.

In completing some recent research, I happened to look at a program Amanda Brozana Rio and I did together on April 18, 2020. While it was centered on the book I wrote about the Grange Way of Life, we spent considerable time on the challenge of maintaining the Grange Way of Life during the pandemic.

Whether or not things have changed much since this interview is perhaps debatable, but that’s not the intent of reposting it. The Grange Way of Life doesn’t change much fundamentally, even if how we live and practice it does. Therefore, it seems worth reposting this for consideration. Don’t miss the part about caterpillars and butterflies.

The Twelve Days of…

By Marilyn Stinson, Enterprise Grange

As the Community Service Coordinator for Enterprise Grange #48, I’m challenging ALL Granges, Grangers, and Friends to consider their local food pantries for the 12 Days of Christmas which starts on Christmas Day, using the song as a guideline. Let’s see what innovative items people can come up with. Let’s fill Community Service Reports with pictures of what they came up with.

For a previous year, the reasoning was:

Day 1. Pear Tree = can of pears.

Day 2. Turtle Doves = ??? turtles are in the sea and so is tuna, so Chicken of the Sea Tuna.

Day 3. French Hens = French cut green beans. (add a can of mushroom soup for a casserole)

Day 4. Calling Birds = oatmeal or dry cereal to call them with?? Birds like uncooked cereals.

Day 5, Five Gold Rings = rings of canned pineapple. Or spaghetti-O’s.

Day 6, Geese-a-laying = I had hens laying eggs so I shared. This year, I’ll use cans of corn to feed the geese.

Day 7, Swans a-swimming = chicken soup (swans taste like chicken??).

Day 8, Maids a-milking = cans of milk (put with the corn for corn chowder). Or the boxed regular milk.

Day 9, Ladies Dancing = Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix would be Swiss ladies dancing, I think.

Day 10, Lords-a-leaping is another challenge. I used baby wipes because once you open the package, the rest leap out at you. Tissues would do that, too. Maybe corn to pop??

Day 11, Pipers Piping = elbow macaroni looks like little elbow pipes and food pantries sometimes ask for pasta.

Day 12, Drummers Drumming = dry spaghetti for drumsticks, or frozen chicken drumsticks. Or isn’t there a snack cracker that is drumsticks?

(Donations of can openers would also be an extra item.)

The Twelve Days of Christmas start with Christmas Day and end with the eve of Epiphany on January 5th. The Twelve Days of Christmas dates back to English origins in the sixteenth century although the music is reputed to be French. The first publication date for The Twelve Days of Christmas (The 12 Days of Christmas) was 1780.

Exploring Traditions — December 2021

Meandering Around the Grange Way of Life

by Walter Boomsma


Who Are We, Really?

Some recent posts on social media have raised the point that in the early days of the Grange, the term “Granger” was adopted by opponents of the Grange organization in an attempt to ridicule members and their position as “Patrons of Husbandry.” This was offered as a “fun fact,” and it certainly is of some interest. One of the founders, Reverend Aaron B. Grosh, attempted to clarify the issue by explaining that the Grange is actually a place. He offered that Masons, for example, are not referred to as “Lodgers.” Why should Patrons of Husbandry be referred to as “Grangers.”

As a writer and communicator, I am fond of the expression, “Words do not have meaning until people give them meaning.” Language is also fluid and ever-changing. When I was a young scholar, using the word “ain’t” would earn a reprimand from the teacher. And if I’d said I was going to google something I’d have earned a blank stare.

The word “granger” is of French origin and means “farmer,” although some dictionaries actually qualify that by noting that if the word is capitalized, it refers to a member of the Grange. It’s an interesting distinction and one of the reasons National Grange hounds us to always capitalize the word in print. Think “trademark protection.” (I could go on—I did some googling.)

Reverend Grosh admonished, “Propriety and justice demand that each organization have its own chosen name, whatever that may be: In this case the chosen chartered name is Patrons; in full, Patrons of Husbandry.” By his logic, we might most accurately say we are Patrons of Husbandry who meet at a Grange Hall.

During Dictionary Day presentations I usually get the kids to look up 3-4 words including patron, husbandry, and steward. This allows me to make the point that a member of the Grange is a patron (someone who provides support) of husbandry (which isn’t about getting married, it’s about growing things). I’m not sure it’s a difference but our focus is much broader today than it was 150+ years ago and that’s why we are giving them a dictionary—to support their growth and learning. Members of the Grange also are good stewards—in third-grade language, “someone who watches over things.” They can be good stewards by taking care of their dictionary and using it wisely.

So, in a manner of speaking, call us what you want as long as you understand that we are about supporting agriculture and rural living using the principles of good stewardship. Admittedly, that’s a little more challenging than “we are Grangers,” but it is, hopefully, more precise. But is it more accurate?

Just as language is fluid and ever-changing, to at least some extent, our organization has changed and will change will continue. One of the reasons the Grange still exists is, I believe, the sound foundation of values and practice the founders built. That foundation is far more important than the words we use. It matters less whether we care called Grangers or Patrons. Since we are, by design, a grassroots organization each individual Grange has changed and is changing. We do well to consider change consciously and deliberately both in practice and in language. The language is important but what’s more important is the answer to the question, “Who are we, really?” The answer to that question isn’t found in words, it is found in actions. There are words in “the ritual” to remind us of who we are, but saying the words isn’t the same as “doing” the words.

“A Patron (or Granger) places faith in God, nurtures hope, dispenses charity, and is noted for fidelity.” That’s a great summary of who a Granger (or Patron) is and how he or she lives, isn’t it?! But those are just four words. The important question is “What meaning are you giving to those words?” And the answer to that question is found in what you are doing today and every day.

Any degree or ritual quotations are from the forty-sixth edition of the 2013 Subordinate Grange Manual or the most recent edition of the Pomona Grange Manual. The views and opinions expressed in “Exploring Traditions” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official doctrine and policy of the Grange. Information about the book “Exploring Traditions—Celebrating the Grange Way of Life” can be found at, on Mr. Boomsma’s Amazon Author Page, or by contacting the author.

That’s a Lotta Maine Grangers!

This “photo of a photo” is compliments of James Clements. He has the original photo which appears to be from the late 1800s and contains over 100 people. The actual photo is 41″ wide and 8″ tall!

Imagine trying to get every to smile at the same time!

James is interested in finding a good home for this photograph. If you have suggestions or are willing to assist, let us know and we’ll connect you with him!

Exploring Traditions — November 2021

Meandering Around the Grange Way of Life

by Walter Boomsma


Memories and Memorials, Sad versus Somber

I’ll confess to stifling a smile during this year’s Memorial Service at the 155th State Grange Convention. For some reason, I recalled leaving a convention at the Skowhegan Rec Center a few years ago. The “labors of the day” were complete except for a rehearsal of the next day’s Memorial Program.

There’s a playground abutting the center and I was pleased to see a number of children swinging and sliding. As I headed to my vehicle, a parent approached me tentatively. “Excuse me. Do you know what is going on inside the building?”

I answered briefly, explaining the convention and its purpose. “Well,” Dad said. “My daughter went in to use the bathroom and she said it’s a funeral!” I again stifled a smile, realizing with the altar in place, the music… it did, in fact, resemble a funeral. I asked to meet his daughter and explained what she’d seen, offering (with Dad’s permission) to take her inside and show her. She and her Dad seemed visibly relieved. They thanked me for my offer but declined the tour. Swinging and sliding were much more interesting.

Another confession from this year’s service is that I “enjoyed” it. Chaplain Clay Collins does a nice job in part because he understands an important truth. Somber doesn’t equal sad. Perhaps our collective realization of that explains the trend away from funerals to celebrations of life. It’s more than a semantic difference.

During the reading of the ever-familiar poem by A. L. Frink my mind was still a bit stuck on that little girl’s perception of what was happening. The idea of a funeral was disconcerting. The idea of honoring and remembering people was reassuring. It’s more than a difference in labels. It’s a difference in vision that can move us from sadness to seriousness and that seriousness can be hopeful

Shall claim of death cause us to grieve,
And make our courage faint or fail?
Nay! Let us faith and hope receive:
The rose still grows beyond the wall.

This year’s convention was certainly “different” with many reminders of the uncertainties we face as individuals and Granges. But, thanks to the Memorial Service, I left realizing that wherever there is a wall, there is also a way to grow around it, over it, under it, through it. We just need to find or make the way and continue to “scatter our fragrance” just as we did in days of yore. Just as we will forevermore.

With thanks to Chaplain Clay, there’s a complete copy of this year’s Memorial Service in the Chaplain’s Section of the Program Books and Information Page. I commend it to you and encourage you to view it seriously but not sadly. Local Chaplains may choose to adapt portions of it for local memorial services that are typically conducted in the spring. One change from the printed program is that Steven Haycock filled in for James Owens for the tribute to State Deputies.

Onward it crept with added strength,
With never a thought of fear or pride.
It followed the light through the crevice’s length
And unfolded itself on the other side.

Any degree or ritual quotations are from the forty-sixth edition of the 2013 Subordinate Grange Manual or the most recent edition of the Pomona Grange Manual. The views and opinions expressed in “Exploring Traditions” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official doctrine and policy of the Grange. Information about the book “Exploring Traditions—Celebrating the Grange Way of Life” can be found at, on Mr. Boomsma’s Amazon Author Page, or by contacting the author.

Flying Our Flag

In response to a request during the state session, we have researched and are providing the information below. Note this information will also appear permanently at the very top of the Program Books and Information Page. Special thanks go to John Lowry of Porter Grange and Vicki Huff of Hollis Grange for their help!

How we display the flag communicates! The image to the left indicates recent state proclamations regarding flying the flag at half-staff. The image to the right indicates current federal proclamations.

This is a link to a guide to the Federal Law regarding displaying the Americal Flag: US Flag Code.

To sign up for email alerts advising when to fly your flag at half-mast, visit Half Staff American Flag

Learn more from the Department of Veterans Affairs about the rules and traditions for flying the flag at half-staff