Amazon Smile Becomes Amazon Frown

By Walter Boomsma, MSG Communications Director

Amazon recently announced that they are “winding down” the Amazon Smiles Program. In short, that means they are discontinuing it, effective February 20, 2023.

According to their announcement, over 1 million organizations were participating. “Amazon can have a more significant and lasting impact if we invest in specific areas and focus our philanthropic efforts in the communities where our employees live and work.”

That’s actually logical. The program’s benefit to Maine State Grange was minimal, so it’s not a huge loss. Any money received was paid to the Maine Grange Foundation and, I believe, earmarked for scholarships.

If you have been using the program, any purchases made before February 20, 2023, will still accrue a benefit. I’m sharing this so those making significant purchases from Amazon will consider doing so before that deadline!

Amazon has also announced it will provide a “one-time payment” based on three months of purchases during 2022.

One way Granges can generate support is by creating an “Amazon Wish List,” allowing others to make purchases for the Grange. I know Jonesboro Grange has done this quite successfully. I believe the process is not difficult for those familiar with Amazon. Perhaps I’ll try to put a few basic instructions and suggestions together in the near future. Let me know if you’re interested or would like to help!

Now let’s turn that frown upside down!

National Grange Foundation Grants Available

At our April Board meeting we voted to receive applications from chartered Granges, Junior, Subordinate, Pomona for each project they complete in support of COVID-19 at this time. Submissions must be made by June 5.

We know that Granges exist in communities that are very different, but in every community some work can be done to better the lives of others – even if it’s just creating a concerted and organized effort to check in with neighbors. We did not want Granges to compete – as some would have more funds, more members, specific connections or talents, communities with more services available and less opportunities for service, and more that would impact what they were able to do. But we know every Grange can do SOMETHING at this time. To level the playing field, we are asking Granges to submit reports and regardless of largess of impact, they will be entered into a drawing, which will be held at our June 9 Board meeting. Ten (10) submissions/Grange names will be pulled and each will receive $100 as a grant from the Foundation. We are committed to giving back to members who are giving back to their communities.

Submissions may be made online or by mail. Online, the form can be found at

We have the paper form attached here for you to distribute quickly to each of the Granges in your jurisdiction. Forms may be submitted by any chartered Junior, Subordinate, Pomona or State Grange, but SHOULD NOT cover the work of another Grange. If multiple Granges partner on a project, only one form should be submitted per project and the Granges should determine to whom the check should be made and the fair distribution of the funds, should that project be pulled as a winning submission.