Valley Grange Gram

Grab a coffee or cocoa, get comfortable; we’ve got lots of exciting news for you!

Valley Grange is located in Guilford Maine. The Grange Gram is edited by Walter Boomsma, Valley Grange Program Director.

January Meeting

Sometimes just holding a meeting feels like a significant accomplishment! Special thanks to Snow Angels Brian and Cindy Woodworth for helping keep us plowed and shoveled for this meeting. We had a frozen well and frozen furnace—got the furnace running and carried water. While getting the hall ready, I kept reminding myself that we still have it a lot easier than our forebears!

The books were audited and found in order, so the treasurer is not under suspicion, and we are applying for renewal of our bond. The treasurer’s report for calendar year-end included an observation that our revenue was up 43% and expenses were up 29%. Still, it’s important to remember that this is over 2020, an exceptional year in every respect. In 2021 we actually spent $80 more than received and will likely need to consider a fundraiser in 2022. If you’d like a copy of the treasurer’s report, just let me know.

We tabled further discussion of hall rental until the February Meeting.

Our “Sock It to Us” program seems to be going somewhat viral! WABI-TV5 did a story that aired the same night as our meeting. (The link is on our website.) We have sox, hats, and mittens on the way to us from Sandy Williams in Pennsylvania… and the Jazz Hair Salon in Newport is collecting for us. Our next delivery is scheduled for mid-February, so keep collecting! Pat Engstrom noted that we should probably add Milo Elementary to our distribution—they house K-grade two students in that district.

Welcome New Members

The big news is that we are gaining new (affiliate) members! We were happy to welcome Nick Jackson and Sarah Mahan and their children to our meeting. It sure was nice to hear the “pitter-patter” of little feet in the hall! They are from Atkinson, where they operate Jackson Regenerational Farm. Check out their most recent newsletter and website to learn more about them—and see how they are already supporting the Valley Grange Sock Drive! Come to the February Meeting to meet the family! Emily is 7, Maverick is 6, and Olin is 2.

Town Meeting Support

We’re admittedly a bit behind schedule, but Mary Annis and I are working on the letters to area towns asking for support. Last year we received financial support from Abbot, Dover-Foxcroft, Ripley, and Wellington. As a reminder, it helps our cause if a member attends town meetings to speak about our request and answer questions. Help us put together a list of town meeting dates, and let us know if you are willing to help! We’ll be updating our project list and can help you with “talking points” if you’d like to represent Valley Grange.

February Pomona Meeting

Since we’re the only Grange in the area that manages to keep our hall open during the winter, we’ll be hosting the February Pomona Meeting on February 3, 2022. You do not have to be a Pomona Member to attend! For that matter, you don’t have to be a member! We’ve discontinued the potluck supper. We just ask for snacks and desserts and start at 7 pm.

February Valley Grange Meeting

The meeting Is on the third Friday, February 18, 2022, with a potluck supper at 6 pm and meeting at 7 pm. Grange Bees for this meeting are Janice and Walter. This meeting will be a “Cabin Fever Reliever” event… meet our new members, eat well, be happy! We’ll be discussing hall use procedures and our Community Citizen of the Year, including the Community Night Program in May. (I will be teaching in Augusta this day and not available to start the heat, etc. Volunteers to help Janice?)

Whatcha Got?

We need a few things for our hall! We keep a crate of children’s books—when kids visit they are encouraged to take home a few. We can always use a few more—all grade levels. We also would like to start an “entertainment bin” that would include activities especially for kids who attend meetings and events… coloring books, crayons, board games, and puzzles. (How cool would it be to have a puzzle going on one of the dining room tables?) I’ll grab a tote to fill… we can christen it as part of our February Cabin Fever Reliever Program!

Looking ahead

Of course, we’re somewhat at the mercy of COVID mandates and restrictions, but let’s keep in mind programs like GrowME, Newspapers in Education, and Bookworming! Wouldn’t it be great to “reactivate” some of those this spring? We’re still looking for a creative name for our Lap Quilts for Veterans Program… and Pat Engstrom says we should plan a “Blanketeering” Program soon… maybe in March? Attached is a program and meeting schedule as we know it!

Participating in the Legislative Process Virtually!

MSG Comm Department Logo
This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Stearns, State Representative for District 119.

Given the challenges associated with large gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Maine Legislature is conducting much of its business via remote virtual meetings using the Zoom platform. Here is a guide to how you can participate in the legislative process this year.

Submitting Written Testimony

Once a public hearing has been scheduled for a bill, you can submit written testimony to the committee via the State’s online testimony submission system. On this page you will be asked to select the committee hearing the bill, then the date of the hearing, and then you will select the bill itself. You will then enter your testimony — you can either upload a document or copy and paste into the testimony field. Using this online testimony submission portal ensures that all members of the committee, in addition to the clerk and analysts, receive your written remarks.

Presenting Oral Testimony

You can register to give oral testimony using the same online testimony submission platform discussed above. When filling out the form, be sure to check the box that states “I would like to present my testimony live.” This will ensure you receive the Zoom link for the public hearing. In order to testify live on a bill, you will need to sign up using this form at least 30 minutes prior to the posted start time of the hearing. Registrations received after that time will be accepted at the discretion of the committee chairs. 

Monitoring Committee Meetings

If you simply want to watch committee proceedings, instead of giving oral testimony, you can choose to listen or watch either live or at a later time. 

Listen to audio of committee proceedings on the Maine Legislature website

Watch committee meetings via YouTube

What to Expect When Participating in a Public Hearing via Zoom

After signing up to present your testimony live, you will receive an invitation to a Zoom meeting (Public Hearing) and will need to follow the link in that email to register. Once you have registered, you will receive another link generated by Zoom to join the meeting. Wait until the day of the meeting to click the link to join. A reminder will be sent to you on the morning of the meeting with the link attached. 

When you click the link to join the meeting, you will be in a “waiting room.” You will be able to see and hear the committee members and the proceedings, but you will not be seen or heard. The committee chairs and clerk will be watching who is in attendance in the waiting room. The chairs will also have a list of all who are scheduled to testify.  The chairs and clerk will admit people 2-3 at a time from the waiting room into the meeting to give their testimony. During the transition from the waiting room to the meeting, you will see a box with a blue spooling circle and a message saying “Joining.” Please be patient during this time, often this takes 5-7 seconds. When you can see the participants again, you will be in the meeting and will be able to see yourself on screen.

You should remain muted until you are called on to speak. The committee chair will indicate when it is your turn to give testimony. After you have given your testimony and answered any questions the committee may have, you will be returned to the waiting room. Expect the same 5-7 second delay on your return. When you can see the participants again, you are back in the waiting room. You should then leave the Zoom meeting. If you wish to continue watching the public hearing, you can do so on the committee’s YouTube channel.  

If you have questions about an upcoming public hearing, you can reach out directly to the committee clerk. Contact information for clerks can be found on each committee’s page on the Maine Legislature website

Update for the First Regular and First Special Sessions of the 130th Maine Legislature

Presenting the Legislative Digest of Bills and Summaries of Enacted Laws for the First Regular and First Special Sessions of the 130th Maine Legislature.

The digest is posted on the page linked below where you can also find a digest for each individual committee.

Notes from National – January 2022

National Grange Contest Deadlines

Most departmental contest deadlines have been changed to June 30, 2022. This is to allow ample time for judging ahead of the National Grange Session. This deadline will stand for future years, and new department program guides will be released in July. Please consult the individual contest guidelines on the National Grange website or the program guides from the Youth, Junior, and Lecturer’s Departments.

New Member Recognition in Good Day Magazine

Want to see your new members recognized in Good Day Magazine? Anyone who has not been recognized as a new member in the past year can be included. Use this link to share the news. The deadlines for each issue are:

  • January 31, 2022
  • April 30, 2022
  • June 30, 2022
  • August 30, 2022
  • November 30, 2022
This image, designed by National Grange, makes a great Facebook Cover Photo for Grange Pages and Groups! Right-click to save and use it!

Fraternal Concern, Wayne Sherman

Submitted by Sharon Morton, MSG Secretary

It becomes my sad duty to advise that Wayne Sherman, former Chaplain of the Maine State Grange, passed away Sunday,  January 16, 2022. Condolences can be sent to Linda and his family at 392 Pond Road, Wales 04280.  Services will be held Sunday, January 23, 2022, at the Blagdon-Finley Funeral Home, 707 Main Street,  Monmouth. Visitation will be held from 1 pm – 2 pm prior to the service.  In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Excelsior Grange  #5 in c/o Cynthia  Maxwell, 18 10th Street, Auburn 04210 or The Maine Masonic  Charitable Foundation, PO Box 130, Holden 04229.

Read the complete obituary here.

Valley Grange Socks It to ’em!

“We stopped counting,” Community Service Chair Mary Annis said. “Thanks to members and friends, we were able to fill five bags with socks for our local kids. We used almost half of the dining hall to spread things out to sort!

Those bags are now being delivered to local schools (Piscataquis Community, SeDoMoCha, Brownville, Ridgeview, and Harmony Elementary) for distribution to kids who need them during what is undoubtedly some of the most bitterly cold weather. Windchill factors are taking local temperatures to as much as forty below zero. “Our volunteer deliverers are bundling up and wearing their own warm socks,” commented Walter Boomsma, Program Director, who is being assisted by Janice Boomsma and Pat Engstrom.

“We could call this ‘Operation Warm Toes,’” quipped Boomsma. “From the reception we’re getting while delivering, it’s safe to assume that this cannot be limited to a one-time effort. We’ve still got plenty of winter weather left and lots of little toes, so we’ll be asking for community support again.”

There are several ways to donate. Online shoppers can have an order drop-shipped to Walter Boomsma, 17 River Road, Abbot ME 04406. If you know a member of Valley Grange, contact them and arrange for a drop-off or pick-up. Valley Grange will be meeting on Friday, January 21, 2022–join us for potluck supper at 6 pm and “sock it to us.” There’s also a collection tote on the porch of the Grange Hall located at 172 Guilford Center Road in Guilford. “Just be careful,” Boomsma warns. “this time of year the steps aren’t always cleared off between meetings and events.”

Kids’ sizes and adults’ sizes are needed. Boys, girls, unisex… warm socks are best, obviously. The socks collected will be distributed to school nurses where there is a need. Thanks for helping us help the kids!

If your business or organization wants to serve as a collection point, contact Walter Boomsma at 207 343-1842 or Mary Annis at 207 564-0820. “We’d like to make our next delivery soon, probably early in February,” Annis said. We need to act fast! Thanks for helping us help the kids!”

Scholarship Opportunity for High School Seniors

This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Davis, State Senator for District 4.

The Clyde Russell Scholarship Fund (CRSF) offers financial awards to Maine graduating high school seniors to attend higher education institutions. The CRSF was created by the Maine Education Association through a trust established by the late Audrey Lewis, who served as president in 1958. The Fund was named after Clyde Russell, who served as Executive Director from 1945 to 1966.

 There are two categories of awards as follows:

– Awards of up to $2,000 for graduating high school seniors who will attend a Maine Community College;

– Awards of up to $10,000 for graduating high school seniors who will attend a four-year college. Application forms must be downloaded from CRSF’s website before Jan. 31, 2022, and the deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2022. The entire application must be received by CRSF via their P.O. Box no later than Feb. 1, 2022. Please allow 5-7 days for mail delivery to meet the February 1st deadline.

Sagadahoc Pomona Meetings

By Marilyn Stinson, Sagadahoc Pomona Lecturer

The Sagadahoc Pomona Annual MLK Lunch-out scheduled for Monday, January 17, 2022, is COVID canceled.

The program for honoring a member of law enforcement is postponed to the Sagadahoc Pomona meeting at Topsham Grange on May 25, 2022. Please make sure you have your guest honoree at that meeting. Unless, of course, that gets COVID canceled as well. If that happens, another date will be set.

Please spread the word.

Jonesboro Baked Bean Supper

Come let us do the cooking and enjoy a delicious homemade meal! We’re joining forces with the Jonesboro Union Church on Saturday, January 22, 2022, at 5:00 pm. Eat-in or take out! Cost: $10. Location: Chandler River Community Center, Looks Point Road, Jonesboro.

You must pre-order TAKE-OUT before 3 pm on the day of the event. Must pick up takeout orders by 4:30 pm on Jan 22. Call 434-5747 or 713-8790.

Menu: Homemade baked beans, hotdogs, rolls, coleslaw, and homemade pies for dessert

Event Information Here!

Scholarship Info Updates Due

We have the following scholarships listed as available. Since students will soon be looking for support, it’s important our information be current and accurate. If your Grange is offering financial support, we’d like your current information soon! We especially need deadlines for applications and who to contact for additional information. You can use the submit tab on the website or simply email the webmaster. Thanks!

National Grange Scholarships

Sponsor: National Grange GROW Club
Scholarship: National Grange GROW Club Academic Scholarship

Maine State Grange Scholaships

Sponsor: Maine State Grange Ag Committee
Scholarship: Maine State Grange Ag Scholarship (2022 information has been submitted)
Sponsor: Maine State Grange Educational Aid Fund
Scholarship: Maine State Grange Educational Ed Scholarship
Sponsor: Maine State Grange Howes Nurses’ Fund
Scholarship: Maine State Grange Howes Nurses Scholarship

Local Grange Scholarships

Sponsor: Hollis Grange #132, Hollis
Scholarship: Hollis Grange #132 Scholarship
Sponsor: Kennebec Valley Grange #128, Madison
Scholarship: Carroll Dean Memorial Agricultural Scholarship
Sponsor: Mill Stream Grange #574, Vienna
Scholarship: Dorothy Waugh Memorial Scholarship
Sponsor: New Norland Grange #580, E. Livermore (closed)
Scholarship: New Norland Grange Memorial Scholarship
Sponsor: Parkman Grange #305, Parkman
Scholarship: Minnie Welts Bridge Memorial Scholarship
Sponsor: Somerset Grange #18, Norridgewock
Scholarship: Somerset Grange
Sponsor: Winthrop Grange #209, Winthrop
Scholarship: Winthrop Grange Scholarship