Santa Is Coming to Vienna

Mill Stream Grange is sponsoring a children’s party at the Grange Hall on Saturday, December 10, 2022 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm… There will be plenty of refreshments, crafts, and fun!

Mill Stream Grange is located on Town House Road in Mill Stream

Mill Stream Grange OutReach

Mill Stream Grange members Lisa Goucher, Judy Dunn, Jill Sampson (l – r), and Allan Harville (not shown) at the Grange booth on Sat. November 26, 2022, at the Mt. Vernon Craft Fair.  They shared information and handed out brochures about the Grange to fair shoppers. A poster with pictures of Grange community service activities was displayed, and a 50/50 raffle was held. They had a great time and made a few connections with interested community members.

Wreaths Across America

Reprinted with permission from an ENewsletter from Paul Stearns, State Representative of District 119.

Coming to several Maine locations is what many people consider to be, the country’s longest veterans’ parade, the Wreaths Across America annual “Escort to Arlington.” This 12-truck convoy, the Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit, and local supporters will be making a local stop on their way to Arlington National Cemetery to deliver veterans wreaths to our nation’s interred veterans.

 For a complete convoy schedule of locations and times or to sponsor a veteran’s wreath for placement this year at a location near you, or to learn more about volunteering, please visit

Doug Wheelock Participates in Wreaths Across America Day (NHQ201912140003)
Doug Wheelock Participates in Wreaths Across America Day (NHQ201912140003) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Ocean View Grange Collects

This is a photo of the items the Ocean View Grange members and others have collected for the Vets at Togus. After our December meeting on Dec 3rd, I will take them to Togus.

The gifts range from razors, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, some clothing, homemade lap quilts, combs, etc. We even got three buckets of soap, shampoos, and rinses from our friends at the East Wind Inn.

Thanks to all who stepped up to help those who served.

Don’t forget the critters at the Pope Humane Society.

Quick Tip – Grange Bees!

Cool Idea

Valley Grange uses “Grange Bees” in conjunction with our meetings… simply stated, Grange Bees are members who agree to be the official hosts for a meeting. While all members pitch in, we find it efficient to rotate the “official” responsibilities among members. Grange Bees are responsible for opening and closing the hall. (Our checklist is available on the Valley Grange website.) We try to set up a schedule for the entire year each fall. We also occasionally all “swarm” to the hall for major cleaning and projects. Everybody can be a bee!

Here Comes Santa Claus…

Santa is coming to the Parkman Grange on Saturday, December 10, 2022 from 1-3:30. He and Mrs. Claus will be hearing kids’ wishes, getting their picture taken with your little ones, and handing out gifts. Tables will be set up to make simple crafts to give away or keep. Included will be Christmas cookie decorating, jingle bell necklaces, wooden ornaments to color, a Santa photo folder to decorate with stickers, and more. Hot cocoa and Christmas cookies will be served.  This party is free and the Grange’s gift to the community. The Grange is located at the corner of State Hwy 150 and North Dexter Road.

Saturday, December 10, 2022, 1:00 – 3:30 pm

Ignore This Email!

If you receive an email similar to the above, ignore it. There are several clues to the fact it’s not legitimate. First, it doesn’t sound like Master/President Sherry… Second, the reply-to address is not her address.

I am usually nagging people who don’t reply to email but in this case. just delete it. This is not an issue created by the website, but we can use the site to warn others.

Just delete it.

Send Holiday Cheer, Not Pests

AUGUSTA –Many Maine residents’ holiday celebrations are incomplete without decorating with Maine-grown wreaths, trees, and other decorative plant material. Sending wreaths and trees to our friends and families across the country can help us feel connected even if we can’t be together this holiday season. The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) reminds Mainers sending holiday greenery that they can save time and money and prevent product loss by shipping only healthy plant material.

“Shippers should be aware of the many state laws and regulations regarding the movement of plants and forest products,” warned Carole Neil, Assistant Horticulturist with DACF. “Many states closely monitor shipments to prevent the introduction of invasive insects and plant diseases. By planning, Maine shippers can speed up deliveries in this time-sensitive industry.”

 DACF offers this advice for wreath and tree shippers:

  • Import regulations vary from state to state. Check destination state regulations before sending plant material. A summary of plant health regulations for Maine-grown holiday decorations is at
  • Shipping internationally? Many countries prohibit most types of plant material from being included in holiday decorations. Some countries may allow some holiday decorations with the proper certification. Email for more information.
  • Beware of invasive plants! Asian bittersweet and multiflora rose have pretty, decorative berries, but both are invasive and should not be included in holiday décor. Better plant choices with colorful berries include winterberry and holly. 
  • Look for pests. Carefully inspect plant material before packaging to ensure no insects, egg masses, or other pest damage.
  • Clearly label packages. Begin with the statement “Grown in Maine” followed by the county of origin and the name and address of the shipper. Labels should also indicate the different types of greenery, nuts, fruits and cones used as decorations. 
  • Don’t forget about spongy moth! Spongy moth (Lymantria dispar, formerly known as gypsy moth) certification is required when sending plant material outside the spongy mothquarantine area ( Contact the Maine USDA-PPQ office at 207-848-0000 for more information.  

“Import requirements for cut trees and holiday decorations including greenery, ornamental nuts, and fruit exist to protect regional agriculture and natural resources from the risk of plant pests,” explained Sarah Scally, Assistant Horticulturist. “An insect or plant disease in Maine could potentially be invasive in other states. Unfortunately, despite the quality of Maine products, some shippers have learned about these regulations the hard way and have had shipments delayed, impounded, or destroyed. We want to prevent any losses by getting the word out now.”  Shippers with questions are invited to call: (207) 287-3891 or email For more information about the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, visit