Another Scam Alert!

I’m still working on this one… an email came through the website containing the following:

I am having my party in May, I want it to be held at your venue, with 50 guests invited. I’m flexible with the date. Before we proceed with our request, please
answer the following question below;

  1. Do you accept credit cards or check payment?
  2. Can you work with our official band performing for the event regarding payment to them?

Those with a dose of caution will immediately note several red flags:

  • No venue is given–where do they intend to have it?
  • No information is offered about the host or the nature of the party.
  • The only questions are regarding payment. No questions regarding the facilities?
  • While I didn’t include it, the end of the email suggested urgency due to the fast-approaching date.

Mostly out of curiosity, I replied to the email requesting more information, noting that the Grange does not assume financial responsibility for providers at events. I’ll be surprised if I hear from “Kirk” again.

I’ve shared this to alert Granges who are renting their halls to be cautious when making financial arrangements. Doing your diligence is the mark of a good steward!

Androscoggin Degree Day

The degree day was held as a special meeting of Androscoggin Pomona at the State Grange headquarters in Augusta. There were 27 candidates from the following Granges: Danville 1, Excelsior 1, Mill Stream 1, Farmington 1, Androscoggin 8, Cambridge Valley 1, St. George 2, Victor 2, and Merriconeag 10. There were 66 present.

Harvest Marchers – Photo courtesy of David Colby Young

View from the Hill – April 2024

This monthly newsletter written by Burton Eller, National Grange Legislative Director, covers “what’s happening” in Washington on various topics of interest to Grangers.

May Events

Here are some may events around the state–don’t forget to submit yours!

  • May 3, 2024, Community Potluck Supper at Trenton Grange, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., 1134 Bar Harbor Road in Trenton. For more information, see this post or visit the Trenton Grange Website.
  • May 4-5, 2024, Community Bazaar (crafts, farmers’ market, yard sale…) at Trenton Grange from 9 am until 2 pm both days. For more information, see this post or visit the Trenton Grange Website.
  • May 5, 2024, Benton Grange Craft Fair and Flea Market, 9 am until 2 pm. Call 207 453-4796 for information.
  • May 7, 2024, Open Mic Night at Trenton Grange. Doors open at 5:30 pm, and the event is from 6:00 to 8:30 pm. $5 donation cover. Trenton Grange Website.
  • May 11, 2024, Parkman Grange’s Mothers’ Day Tea starting at 10 am. Reservations are required. See this post.
  • May 14, 2024, Deadline for the MSG Bulletin
  • May 17, 2024, Valley Grange Community Celebration with potluck supper at 6 p.m. and Celebration at 7 p.m. Visit the Valley Grange Website FMI.
  • May 18, 2024, Junior Grange Meeting at Enterprise Grange. Contact Director Betty Young for more information.
  • May 25-26, 2024, Community Bazaar (crafts, farmers’ market, yard sale…) at Trenton Grange from 9 am until 2 pm both days. For more information, see this post or visit the Trenton Grange Website.

Notes from National – May 2024

  • Subscribe to the National Grange’s Good Day! magazine. Just $16 a year gets you access to our print or digital subscription. Learn more about the magazine at or the digital issue at The April issue has hit mailboxes and the July issue will be here before you know it!
  • Subscribe to the Patrons Chain and View from the Hill at These newsletters are released every Friday, containing information about National Grange programs, events, and more.
  • Are there topics you would like to see covered in a future Zoom from a National Grange staff member, department, or officer? Please let us know! We’re always working to ensure our topics are in line with what our members want or need to hear from us.
  • The National Grange Social Media Calendar is available. This is intended to be a guide for State and Community Granges of topics/events that may be used to enhance social media. By no means is it a suggestion to post ALL of these things, but if you’re looking to get out of a rut or expand your social media reach. This could also be a great resource for Grange Lecturers/Program Directors who are looking for new programming ideas.
  • Many National Grange events are recorded and archived – if you missed an online event and would like to see it, please visit the National Grange YouTube channel at
  • Follow National Grange on Social Media! We’re on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube!

Notes from National are gleaned from an email provided by Phil Vonada, National Grange Communications Director.

Quick Tip – You can call me…

Cool Idea
Share your thoughts and ideas with other Granges!

What’s the difference between a Subordinate Grange and a Community Grange? Hopefully, there is none! Every Grange should be a Community Grange!

Of course, that assumes the Grange is involved in and relevant to the community.

For a discussion of the term “Subordinate Grange,” see the March Exploring Traditions Column.

Quick tips from Granges and Grangers are always welcome… on any topic that might improve or make things easier for other Granges. Use the submission form or email yours to the webmaster for consideration!

Register for Open Farm Day

Reprinted with permission from Maine Farm News published by UMaine Extension

The Maine Open Farm Day registration page is open until May 1, 2024. If interested, be sure to sign up by the deadline to take advantage of all of the promotional opportunities. There is no fee to join this statewide promotional event, but farms need a Real Maine membership to participate. Farms who participated in the past, or already have a Real Maine account should use this form. Farms who are new to the event, and do not have a Real Maine account should use this form if you are not yet a Real Maine member. Find more signup details, key dates and planning resources at

Highland Happenings!

Highland Lake Grange Is Having a Busy Spring

Highland Lake Grange is  donating supplies, can tabs  and food to Ronald McDonald House in Portland today. Items were donated by Grange members and by the Grange itself.

Also this week, the Grange received a Citizens Award from the Westbrook Police Department for its work raising funds for the Westbrook K9 department in 2023.

Next up is a donation of personal care items for Windham Food Panty.

The Patrons Chain 4-19-2024

Articles in this edition include:

  • Two Grange members seated on national advisory groups
  • Using the Reaching Rural Surgical Seniors program
  • Introducing The Grange Hall podcast
  • Middle Branch Grange seeks support after fire
  • Join the Lecturer’s Forum
  • Save the Date: Registration Opens May 1
  • Climate change is shifting how and when we prepare our gardens
  • SHIPmates applications open for second class 
  • Be part of the Grange Story – apply for the Communication Fellows
  • Grange Supply Store: People, Pride & Progress
  • Grange Member Benefit: Lenovo

Click the button below to read and/or subscribe to the Patrons Chain!

Note that all recent issues are available on the National Grange Website. Occasionally, a weekly issue isn’t sent. For example, the last Friday of the month is usually a View from the Hill week, so the fact that one hasn’t been posted on the MSG website doesn’t necessarily mean we skipped it! You can double-check using the link (Read the Current Issue) above. Effective 2024, we will only maintain one year of issues on the MSG website.

Freeport Grange Collects Glasses

If you are wondering what to do with your eclipse glasses, we are collecting them for Astronomers Without Borders! Come drop off glasses any time, putting them in our mail slot if you have a couple, or leaving them outside in a bag. We will also have a collection box very soon. You can also drop them off Sunday, the 21st, at our 150th Celebration, 1-4!

Haraseeket Grange #9 is located at 13 Elm Street in Freeport Maine.

And if you do not live near us, check the Astronomers without Borders website for locations.

Granges currently collecting glasses: