I Doubt It!

By Walter Boomsma
207 343-1842
Communications Director

I wonder if I’ll ever cease to be amazed by the number of scams being run on the Internet and Social Media. I can’t resist sharing this one because it might actually be considered funny.

So “Commander Kirkland” has reached out to “whom it may concern” with what might initially appear troubling news. He informs us “...you and your organization,  that the Federal Law Enforcement agencies of the United States of America in conjunction with Interpol, the World Security Council and the United Nations Amnesty International Program, are announcing a series of arrests and investigations concerning various Religious and Social organizations using a psychological torture, and brainwashing technique known as a ‘forgiveness tatoo’.

I’m reminded a bit of the old joke “You know it’s not going to be a good day when you find the Sixty Minute News Team waiting for you at the office.”

By the way, “forgiveness tattoos”(spelled correctly) are a real item readily found on the Internet. I don’t pretend to fully understand their value, but as far as I can see, they aren’t about brainwashing or torture.

“What is the scam?” you ask. I don’t know, I didn’t fall for it. But I suspect the first step was to get me to reply to the email. It’s interesting that a Federal Law Enforcement Commander is using a Gmail address. I’ll admit, I almost did reply out of curiosity.

You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Attributed to Abraham Lincoln.

The updated version is

You can fool enough people some of the time to make a decent living.


Just don’t be one of those people. And, perhaps more importantly, don’t let these attempts get you down. Think of them as an opportunity to demonstrate how smart you are. Just slow down and think! Wouldn’t you think a high-ranking federal law enforcement official would (among other things):

  • know how to spell the “tattoos” he is investigating
  • have an email address associated with his agency (and identify it)

No worries. Now, if you see the CNN News Team standing in front of the Grange Hall…