Grange Songbooks Exposed!

As most know, Grange Friend Katherine studies and performs vintage songs of the Grange. After completing exhaustive research, Katherine has published an extensive history of Grange Songbooks and Sheet Music on her website. Where available, links to digital copies are provided, as well as more in-depth information. Like so much of Grange History, there is much color and a few surprises! Did you know, for example, that The Grange Polka was written by Frank Howards and published in 1874 by John Church & Co.?

On the introductory page, Katherine reminds us of one song that proclaimed the motto of the the Patrons was “Plow Deep.”

Bold monopoly and faction we’ll ever keep at bay
“Plow deep’s” the motto of the Patrons!
And dishonesty shall tremble when farmers clear the way,
“Plow deep’s” the motto of the Patrons!

George Cooper

Like many of the lessons of the Grange, a motto proclaimed in our early history and still applicable today!

We are grateful to Katherine for “plowing deep” and providing this labor of love. Not only do we learn a lot about Grange music, but her complete history provides insights into how the Grange worked many years ago.

Contact Katherine
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