Program Books and Information Page Updates

This is the time of year when we “clear out the old” and bring in the new. There are two key documents for most committees.

An annual report for the previous Grange year (October 2021- September 2022) summarizing the committee/department’s activities and accomplishments.

A program book for the next year (October 2022 – September 2023) with important information such as contest rules, important dates, and resource material for that committee/department.

We are in the process of receiving and posting these to the Program Books and Information Page. For the next several weeks, it is important to pay attention to dates! If you are looking for information about this year’s contests, forms, etc., you’ll want this year’s (2021-2022) Program Book. We leave the books on the site for exactly that purpose–some forms and information are potentially needed right up until State Session in October. If you are planning for next year, be sure to download the book for that year (2022-2023.

Annual reports should be of interest to all members–it’s your way to discover what has happened in the previous year in the department/committee. The information can be of particular interest to those who are delegates attending State Session. The annual reports are provided in the delegate packet as well as available to all members on the website.

Both annual reports and program books are being uploaded as received from directors and committee chairs. Note that some annual reports are not usually available until State Session due to the close of the fiscal year on September 30, 2022. So far, we have annual reports from

Next year’s program books received so far include

Stay tuned! There’s certainly more to come! And don’t forget this:

Degrees start at 9 am… Officer Installation at 1 pm… come for the day! Lite lunch will be served! See the original post here!