Flowers in Your Garden?

Guest Ag Article by Nate Pennell
MSG Executive Committee Member

Some flowers in your vegetable garden will be very helpful to attract native pollinators and other beneficial insects.  Marigolds are one example. Try several of your favorites. Pansies are great for early gardens and will last all summer and into fall. Try a few glads. Some of the most productive gardens in Maine, include flowers. Always try to produce enough for your family and some to give or sell to others.

Community gardens are also very popular. They grow for many in their community and enjoy doing it.  It is very easy to enjoy what you do when you do for others!

Raised Beds for Farming

Warming the soil in raised beds before you plant in Maine, it needs to be done in March and April, or early May up north. Adding some compost and additional soil if needed, will insure a successful crop. Raised beds can be replanted with lettuce, greens, radish, and other quick growing items. If you do not have very successful crops at any time, be sure to take a soil test! The University of Maine Soil testing service can get you results in a couple of weeks. Soil and Water Districts across Maine as well as your local Cooperative Extension Office can assist and guide you. Other ideas that can work for you are window boxes, door step planters, and small gardens, especially for the elderly.

Happy gardening this year and next!