BioME Scholarships Available

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This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Stearns, State Representative for District 119.

The BioME Scholarship Program offers an opportunity for high school graduates, undergraduate and graduate students in the field of life sciences to realize and accomplish their academic goals. This program is available for Maine residents or students enrolled in Maine academic institutions only.

All four scholarship applications are now OPEN, and we would greatly appreciate your help in sharing this opportunity with your colleagues, friends, and families! Please note that application deadlines for the Academic Scholarship and Summer Internship Award are both in March.

BioME Academic Scholarship ($4,000)
Applications Open: February 1, 2022 – March 25, 2022

BioME Summer Internship Award ($4,000)
For undergraduate and graduate students who are interning at an unpaid or minimally funded internship with a Maine employer. Funding to cover costs associated with internship and additional room and board. Applications Open: February 1, 2022 – March 18, 2022

BioME Seed Grant (up to $5,000)

For undergraduate and graduate students conducting original life sciences research. Funding to cover costs associated with research-related expenses. Applications rolling. Reviewed on a quarterly basis.

BioME Travel/Conference Award (up to $2,000) 

For undergraduate and graduate students who have had their research accepted for presentation at a professional life sciences conference. Funding to cover costs associated with attendance. Applications rolling. Reviewed on a quarterly basis. Apply up to 90 days before or after attending the event.

For more information, please visit their website at BioME Scholarship Program: Awards & Grants (

Notes from National – February 2022

Contest Deadlines

Please note that the June deadline is only true for certain, specific contests, including the Quilt Blocks, Photography, Publicity Items, and certain contests in the Junior and Youth Departments. Please consult the National Grange website or program guides for other deadlines. We will continue using social media and the Patrons Chain (as well as Good Day! magazine) to list upcoming deadlines.

National Grange Heirloom Program

The Grange Heirloom Program gets underway in March–just in time for Grange Month! Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes. Please share “success stories” about the use of the program with us, or if you come up with other innovative ways to incorporate the Program in your Granges

National Grange Rosters

This roster lists the state officers for every State… it’s available in booklet form (as a pdf) and as a spreadsheet.

New Member Recognition in Good Day Magazine

Want to see your new members recognized in Good Day Magazine? Anyone who has not been recognized as a new member in the past year can be included. Use this link to share the news. The deadlines for each issue are:

  • April 30, 2022
  • June 30, 2022
  • August 30, 2022
  • November 30, 2022

156th National Grange Session is scheduled for November 15-19, 2022 in Sparks, NV

Avian Flue in Knox County

flock of hens on green field
Photo by Alexas Fotos on

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) Animal Health Division announced today that it is working closely with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to respond to the H5N1 strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza detected in a small flock of non-commercial backyard birds (non-poultry) in Knox County. APHIS announced Sunday that it had confirmed the presence of the virus in Maine. Avian influenza does not present a food safety risk; poultry and eggs are safe to eat when handled and cooked properly. No cases of this particular strain of the avian influenza virus have been detected in humans in the United States. And according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recent detections of this strain of influenza in birds in Maine and several other states present a low risk to the public.

This weekend, animal health officials from DACF worked with a farm in Knox County to control the potential spread of avian influenza. DACF placed the property under quarantine and euthanized affected birds humanely. DACF also implemented additional safety measures, such as monitoring properties with domestic flocks within a 10 km radius of the initial property and notifying bird owners of the importance of proactive safety measures to help prevent disease.

DACF’s animal health officials are also working closely with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC). Though this strain of avian influenza has not been detected in humans in the United States, Maine CDC is monitoring the health and wellbeing of Animal Health staff and flock owners who were exposed out of an abundance of caution. Signs and symptoms of bird flu infections in people can include: fever (temperature of 100ºF or greater) or feeling feverish, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, fatigue, headaches, eye redness (or conjunctivitis), and difficulty breathing. Other possible symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. As with seasonal flu, some people are at high risk of getting very sick from bird flu infections, including pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and people 65 and older. The U.S. CDC provides information on avian flu transmission at this link. The Maine CDC’s Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory is prepared to process samples and quickly provide results for anyone potentially exposed to the virus.

According to the USDA, all bird owners, whether commercial producers or backyard enthusiasts, should:

  • Practice protective security measures to help prevent disease
  • Prevent contact between their birds and wild birds, and
  • Report sick birds or unusual bird deaths to State/Federal officials, either through your state veterinarian or through USDA’s toll-free number at 1-866-536-7593.

 Resources for backyard and commercial poultry producers:

  • USDA has many resources available for commercial poultry producers and backyard bird owners through its Defend the Flock campaign.
  • Information about this campaign and links to toolkits containing biosecurity checklists, videos, and more, are available here.
  • Additional information and resources about HPAI and foreign animal disease preparedness are available here.

Resources to Help With Electric Bills

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This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Stearns, State Representative for District 119.

If you’re having difficulty managing your energy bills, there are free programs and services available to help you get caught up and manage your energy costs.

Below are just a few resources designed to help. For a full list of programs, please visit or

  • If you rent your home and need assistance with your electric bill, funding is now available through Maine’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program. For more information about the program please visit:
  • The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federal grant program that helps income-eligible households pay for energy bills, repairs, and weatherization. Please contact your local Community Action Agency to apply for HEAP. Qualifying for HEAP is the first step to be eligible to apply for programs.
  • If you have fallen behind, call your electricity service provider. They have payment plans that will help you get back on track. In addition, the Electricity Lifeline Program offers eligible customers a credit on their electric bill. Arrearage Management Program helps eligible customers reduce their past due balance.

Valley Grange Gram — We Came, We Saw…

Valley Grange is located in Guilford, Maine

Our February Meeting included a number of guests, some great food, good conversation and a good time! We were especially pleased to “obligate” our newest members, Sarah Mahan and Nick Jackson. Some of us got to try lamb for the first time, thanks to their potluck contribution and most of us went home with some eggs! For those of you who didn’t come and haven’t seen it, you must watch this video. Not only will you get to meet the family, but you’ll also find their regeneration techniques fascinating.

In other news, we approved the new Hall Use Agreement. A copy will be uploaded to the website soon. We also began discussing Grange Month (we celebrate in May) and Community Citizen of the Year. If you now someone in the area who deserves recognition for their service to our communities, contact Mary Annis or Walter Boomsma. We’re looking for an unsung hero.

We received socks and have more on the way. Thanks to Helping Hearts Ministry in West Virginia for their generous donation! We’ll likely be making our final delivery for this year next week… if you intend to “Sock it to us,” please do so soon!

Thanks also to Phyllis Lyford from the Dover Foxcroft Historical Society for her donation of two patriotic lap afghans for the Operation Gratitude Hospice Project for Veterans.

We started to get writer’s cramp signing thank-you cards and notes. We’ve been so fortunate this winter to members of our communities who have helped us keep our hall open. I’m afraid I’ll forget someone, but thanks to Brian and Cindy Woodworth, Jimmy French, John McKusick… the anonymous donor who left socks in the tote on the porch… with all this help, we were able to come to the February meeting, see the fruits of our labor and have a certain sense that we conquered winter.

Our new Busy Box was put to good use! As a reminder, we are still looking for puzzles, games, etc. suitable for kids. I recently was able to replenish our Book Bin after a visit to the Abbot Liberry. Now that we have kids attending, we welcome any contributions to both! If you can’t come to a meeting, you can leave them in the tote on the front porch.

I stopped at the hardware store on the way to the hall to start the furnace. One of the clerks asked if he could ask a question. “Are you the guy who does that bookworm club thing?” I was able to explain that COVID has our Bookworm Program on hold, but yes, Valley Grange has bookworms who listen to the kids read at school. He complimented the program and said how great it was. (Little does he know that he’s on my list of potential volunteers when we get started again!)

These questions and the support we receive help us remain committed “…to labor for the good of our Order, our country, and mankind.” Thank you!

And if you want to experience the warmth and welcome of the Grange, our next meeting is Friday, March 18, 2022. Potluck is at 6 pm–bring a dish to share if you can. Our meeting and program start at 7 pm and we are usually finished by 8:30 pm. Come as you are and bring a friend! Remember, we are kid-friendly!

There’s Still Time!

Grange Heirlooms are snippets from the lessons of the Grange as taught in the Ritual and Declaration of Purposes.

The new Heirloom Program kicks off in March. If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s an exciting program designed to remind seasoned members and introduce new members to the values and lessons of the Grange. National Membership and Leadership Development Director Amanda Brozana Rios is hosting several introductory Zoom meetings to provide more details about the program and its use, answer questions, and brainstorm how Granges may build from this great resource. Several sessions have been scheduled to ensure everyone who wants to attend can. Each of these sessions will cover the same material, so you need only attend one.

Each Grange that sends a representative to attend one of the meetings will receive a certificate of recognition and a prize. The State Grange with the highest percentage of Granges attending meetings AND with at least one of the following attending will also receive a prize (President; Lecturer; Secretary; State Communications Director or Newsletter Editor; State Membership Director). You can attend any of the scheduled meetings by clicking this link a few minutes before the meeting.

We’ll be adding a resource page to the Maine State Grange Website soon. It will include all of the information you need to take advantage of this great new program. We’ll also be posting a Grange Heirloom every month. Make sure every member in your Grange knows about this! It’s a great time to subscribe to the Maine State Grange Website!

Sweet Jonesboro Grange!

Jonesboro Grange Creates Candyland

On February 12, 2022, Jonesboro Grange #357 hosted the first Candyland event at the Grange. For $5, guests were given a box to fill with sweet Valentine’s Day treats. 

The hall was decorated with candy decorations and transformed into a candy land. We had eight tables filled with Needhams, cookies, fudge, homemade chocolates, dessert bars, peanut butter balls, and more! 

$1,200 was raised for the 2022 Grange budget. Grange members have been working hard to bring new and exciting opportunities to the community while raising funds to restore the historic building. 

A table full of Valentine’s Day baskets was raffled off and two Candyland games were offered as door prizes.

Maine Legislative Memorial Scholarship now open

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This article is reprinted with permission from an e-newsletter published by Paul Davis, State Senator for District 4.

The Maine Legislature annually recognizes one student from each county who is currently pursuing or planning to pursue education at a two- or four-year degree-granting Maine college or technical school. Through the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME), these awards are given to Maine resident high school seniors or full- or part-time post-secondary students accepted to or enrolled in accredited Maine colleges for graduate or undergraduate degrees.

The 2022-2023 application cycle is now open and scholarship applications are being accepted until the deadline of May 1, 2022. Scholarship awards of $1,000 will be given to one student in each of Maine’s counties (16 total). Only complete applications will be considered, which should include the following:

  • A completed 2022-2023 Maine Legislative Memorial Scholarship application
  • An essay (make sure the applicant’s name appears on all pages)
  • Submission of transcripts, recommendations, and a 2022-2023 Student Aid Report (SAR)
  • College students should include both college and high school transcripts
  • All transcripts should also indicate graduation date or anticipated graduation date
  • A copy of a high school diploma or equivalent

Recipients selected from applications submitted by the May 1, 2022 deadline will be selected and notified in the fall. Notifications are not sent to those applicants not selected. It’s important that students submit the 2022-2023 free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in time to receive the Student Aid Report (SAR) back from the federal government. The SAR with Expected Family Contribution (EFC), income information, and the number of family members must be sent to FAME and postmarked by the deadline during the application period.

Valley Grange Gram — We are meeting!

Valley Grange is located in Guilford, Maine

Friday’s Meeting!

You haven’t forgotten we have a meeting Friday, right? Let me explain that I will always make every effort to have our meetings. If you are not comfortable traveling for some reason, just don’t feel obligated to come. When we cancel meetings, we deprive those who want to come of the opportunity and start down a path that suggests a foreboding future for our Grange. Janice and I are Grange Bees for the February Meeting. Unfortunately, I will be returning from teaching in Augusta that day. I may be late for dinner. I plan to visit the hall Thursday afternoon to make sure the furnace is running, etc. Thursday is actually supposed to be a warm day with rain… yay! Between starting the furnace and the forecast, the well should be thawed. Potluck Supper at 6 pm, Meeting at 7 pm will include voting to accept our new members and a review of the hall use policy. During the supper hour, we’ll be sorting socks! Don’t forget to bring your donations! Socks have been arriving from as far away as Pennsylvania and West Virginia!

We’re Needed!

I received an email over the weekend from Carol Smith, Principal of Brownville Elementary. It seems, unfortunately, one of the third-grade students, Garrett Ames, who received a dictionary from us has been diagnosed with leukemia. He won’t be able to attend school for a while and his teacher, Ms. Cail, and his classmates are making an effort to support him. We can too, right? You can watch the news story on WABI-TV 5’s website. It’s both heartbreaking and heartwarming. Garrett has a dream of becoming a firefighter and “rescuing people from the house.” Fire Departments around the country are responding with support. (If you are associated with a Fire Department or know a fire fighter, why not pass the word along. Our member Pat Engstrom has already found some cool material and is working on a blanket. I’ll be working on this during the week and hopefully have some additional information for our meeting, if not before.  I did share the WABI story on the Valley Grange Facebook page and Mr. Boomsma’s Facebook Page.

And as Further Proof

One town office called Mary Annis and requested our letter asking for financial support! As a reminder, as town meeting season approaches, please consider attending and speaking on behalf of Valley Grange. I can help you with talking points and give you a copy of the information sent to the towns in the area. You know you’re doing something right when people call and ask for an opportunity to donate!

Say “Thanks!”

We will be sending a note of thanks to John McKusick and McKusick Petroleum for “bailing us out” several times recently. Most recently we learned a powerful lesson. We’ve been using RV antifreeze in the furnace. The label says “rated to 50 below.” Well, I don’t think it got down to fifty below but I can tell you that the anti-freeze froze! John not only patiently helped me through the thawing process, he’s donated some special antifreeze to help us out. When I offered to pay he said, “We gotta keep you going.” If you see John, let him know you appreciate his support of Valley Grange! With the support we’re getting, “We gotta keep us going!”

We Now Have a Busy Bin

I picked up a tote and “seeded” it with a puzzle and a few games. We’re looking for activities especially for kids who attend meetings and events… coloring books, crayons, board games, and puzzles. (How cool would it be to have a puzzle going on one of the dining room tables?) Whatcha got to offer? The Busy Bin, the Book Crate, and the extra remaining dictionaries are probably going to end up under the dessert table. We’re running out of room under the Bulletin Board… our blistered finger knitters are refilling those bins!

You’re Needed!

If all goes as planned, we might be able to “Obligate” our new members at Friday’s meeting. It sure would be nice to meet upstairs again, fill most of the chairs, and “do it right!” I’m going to try to “draft” a few people from other Granges… this will be a “Cabin Fever Reliever” with lots of fun!


As I was finishing this up, I learned that Garrett is starting to lose his hair as a result of the chemo. The journey begins in earnest. I also now have an address for mailing cards and other items: Garret Ames, 5690 Bennoch Road, LaGrange ME 04453. If you do send a card, mention Valley Grange so he and his Mom know who you are and where you’re from!

Exploring Traditions — February 2022

Meandering Around the Grange Way of Life

by Walter Boomsma


Grange Heirlooms

National Grange is kicking off a program called “Grange Heirlooms.” I recently realized I’d been referring to it as “Grange Heritage.” Since words interest me and I think they’re important, I couldn’t resist wondering about the mistake. For those interested, several dictionary definitions suggest an heirloom is a “thing,” handed down from previous generations. There are several connotations, including the idea that an heirloom stays within the same family for generations.

Anyone interested in farming and gardening is probably aware of a revived interest in heirloom seeds and plants. An heirloom variety or cultivar often exhibits distinctive characteristics such as superior flavor or color.

So the name of the program is wisely chosen. It’s an ambitious five-year program that will make it possible for every Grange to take just a few quick moments at one meeting each month to introduce a key lesson and reflect upon it – thereby passing on part of our heritage. (Maybe that’s why I got confused!) The words were written more than a century and a half ago, but they have much application and meaning to daily life today.

Words like “heirloom, heritage, tradition, and ritual” have more importance every day. Not only is the naming of this program on target, so is the timing. We need more than ever to become aware of the things in our life that do not change but offer us assurance and stability. Without that awareness, we can easily become the victims of the future instead of creating and contributing to it.

I remember a conversation a few years ago with a Granger who insisted her Grange was “not doing any ritual.” I assured her that was not true. My proof went something like this, “You may not be ‘doing’ THE ritual but I’ll bet many of you are parking in the same place every time and probably sitting in the same seats. The same person probably makes the coffee every time…”

We could, of course, explore the difference between ritual and habit. Habits have value with the obvious downside being we stop thinking. (We don’t have to decide where to park–unless someone “took our spot.” That can be very disconcerting to some. Humans like predictability.)

The Grange Heirloom Program will be an opportunity to create some predictability by tapping into our heritage and looking at some heirlooms. At least once a month we can revisit principles that have remained with us through generations of time. We won’t do it out of habit because we’ll think and reflect on one. How many times have you said, “A patron places faith in God, nurtures hope, dispenses charity, and is noted for fidelity.”

Most will realize that we say it twice during a Grange Meeting that is opened and closed “in form.” We accompany it with hand motions that help us remember. (See if you can do it sitting down without the motions.) While we’re thinking and reflecting on this “heirloom,” consider this question: “How many of those four things have you done today?” We are not just Grangers during a meeting, right?

Fifteen words make us think about what it means to be a Granger. Fifteen words that we could recite every morning. We have a lot of heirlooms in the Grange. It may be past time to explore them. The heirlooms haven’t disappeared, but we may have stopped looking at them and thinking about them.

In describing the Grange Heirloom Program, Amanda Brozana Rio said, “[The heirloom lessons of the Grange] are easily overshadowed by the business of the Grange and hampered when spoken by short attention spans and language that is beautiful but uncommon. New members often wait years to see or hear all of these words of wisdom. More seasoned members may recall the words but have not taken the time to think about them and apply them to daily life for some time.”

It’s time.

The first heirloom will be revealed in March. Are you ready?

Any degree or ritual quotations are from the forty-sixth edition of the 2013 Subordinate Grange Manual or the most recent edition of the Pomona Grange Manual. The views and opinions expressed in “Exploring Traditions” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official doctrine and policy of the Grange. Information about the book “Exploring Traditions—Celebrating the Grange Way of Life” can be found at, on Mr. Boomsma’s Amazon Author Page, or by contacting the author.