Exploring Traditions — May 2022

Meandering Around the Grange Way of Life

by Walter Boomsma

Nature’s Lessons Are There for the Taking

“Brothers and Sisters, my tribute is the seed corn. Have FAITH. Faith in the spring of the year and the springtime of life. Even as little children have faith in their parents, so should we have faith in the Great Provider. We prepare our fields and plant the seed having faith in its resurrection.” (Ceres’ charge to the candidates in the Fourth Degree.)

“I need not prompt you to nurture HOPE. Hope is the heavenly light that gilds our labors. Were we deprived of that source of consolation, life would indeed be dreary. When you see the blossoms open in the early summer, hope is there for the luscious fruit. The labors of the Husbandman and Matron encourage hope at every turn. Let the fruit blossoms be to you an emblem of hope.” (Pomona’s charge to the candidates in the Fourth Degree.)

“Let the flowers be to you an emblem of CHARITY. In kind words and deeds dispense charity, as freely as flowers do their perfume, and as generously as they cover all God’s footstool. Beautiful and adorn your homes with flowers. The home that is thus made fragrant and cheerful is prepared to be the abode of sweeter affections and more radiant virtues.” (Flora’s charge to the candidates in the Fourth Degree.)

As spring of 2022 unfolds, these three charges seem to have a special meaning and application for “Husbandmen and Matrons.” Or, perhaps more accurately, for everyone. As I pondered these three chargers, I found myself thinking it would be interesting to have the words on signs or painted rocks placed in our yards.

Even if we do not plant them ourselves, we have faith that seeds will become plants. Faith is not far removed from hope. Spring is perhaps the season of hope. Seeds become plants. Many of those plants develop buds that become flowers. And many of those flowers become fruit. How many times does this simple miracle take place each spring? We’ve come to depend on those miracles. We should also appreciate them.

”Resurrection” is an interesting word that I suspect Ceres chose quite intentionally. It means “rising from the dead” or “restoring to life.” I suppose we could debate whether or not a seed is “alive,” but we plant them in the sure hope that life will result. How amazing it is that all of the instructions and fundamental parts necessary are contained in that little seed.

If a tiny seed can create such life, how much can we create and accomplish?

We can certainly dispense charity. Flora’s suggestion recognizes the miracles we can be if we dispense charity as “freely as flowers do their perfume.” When we make our homes more fragrant and cheerful, we also make the world more fragrant and cheerful—not only with flowers but with the charity evidenced by our kind words and deeds.

“A good Patron places faith in God, nurtures hope, dispenses charity, and is noted for fidelity.” This salutation is included in the Master’s charge to the candidates and drives home previous lessons.

“Let the agate be to you an emblem of FIDELITY. May your principles… be as firmly impressed as the lasting colors in the stone, and may our friendship be as firm as the stone itself.”

Whether you are working in the garden or simply gazing out the window, nature’s lessons are there for the taking. Have faith, nurture hope, dispense charity, and be noted for fidelity. A tiny seed contributes much to our world. You can do the same.

Any degree or ritual quotations are from the forty-sixth edition of the 2013 Subordinate Grange Manual or the most recent edition of the Pomona Grange Manual. The views and opinions expressed in “Exploring Traditions” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official doctrine and policy of the Grange. Information about the book “Exploring Traditions—Celebrating the Grange Way of Life” can be found at http://abbotvillagepress.com, on Mr. Boomsma’s Amazon Author Page, or by contacting the author.

Jonesboro Grange “Touch a Truck”

Jonesboro Grange to host 2nd annual Touch-A-Truck event will be held on June 18, 2022 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Jonesboro Elementary School parking lot. THere will be excavators, Dump trucks, cement trucks, 18 Wheeler trucks, Fire Engines and MORE! No admission charge for families. 

Popcorn, plastic kids hard hats, balloons, bounce house, face painting, lawn games – all by donation! Donations given to Jonesboro Volunteer Fire Dept. 

Lunch will be for sale! Purchase a raffle ticket to win a brand new 6 burner gas grill and grilling gift basket just in time for Father’s Day. Proceeds benefit Jonesboro Grange #357 as they continue to serve the community. 

Check out this event on Facebook!

Jonesboro Grange News

Jonesboro Grange is located in Jonesboro Maine

Check out this fun-filled newsletter to discover what’s happening at the Jonesboro Grange, including their Crush Cancer Weekend June 24-26, 2022. Member news includes the fact that member Rebekah Hodgson has been selected to represent Maine in the 2022 Mrs. International Pageant held in Tennessee in July. You’ll also want to check out members wearing their Kentucky Derby hats at the conclusion of the recent Jonesboro Craft Fair.

Highland Lake Grange Flags Cemetery

Topsham Grange Recognition

Merton Ricker of Lisbon was recently recognized for his 75-year membership in the Grange. Merton has held many offices within Topsham Grange #37, Pine Tree Grange, Sagadahoc Pomona, and Maine State Grange. He is seen here with Topsham Grange President, Michael Labbe.

Grange Store by Monroe Classics

By Mike at Monroe Classic

The “That’s The Grange Way” poster” has been re-stocked and awaiting your Grange Events, and we have ceramic mugs with the That’s The Grange Way message/ slogan available for immediate shipment.

Visit our website to order your Grange items including jewelry, regalia, promotional items, and more. The Grange Store by Monroe is here to accept and ship your orders.

Our main website features other promotional items, including screen printed and embroidered apparel, award, signs and more at www.monroeclassic.com.

From the Deacon’s Bench — May 2022

By Clay Collins, MSG Chaplain
207 837-0564

After this, Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the sea of Tiberias, and he revealed himself in this way. Simon Peter, Thomas (called the twin), Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. Simon Peter said to them, ‘I am going fishing.’ They said to him, ‘We will go with you.’ They went out and got into the boat, but they caught nothing.”

John 21:1-3

The weather is finally getting warmer (slowly, true, but still warmer!). How many of us are thinking about going fishing? Yes, I’m sure there are the die-hards that have been fishing all winter! That is great. I hope you had great luck!

Did you ever think about when Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples at the seashore? The scripture that I chose this month only touches upon it. Read the rest of the chapter to get the full story.

The disciples get into their boat, go fishing all night, but catch NOTHING. When they saw Jesus on the shore, they did not know who it was, but they had their suspicions of who it actually was. They did not come right out and say His name.

He told them to cast their nets on the opposite side of the boat. When they did, the nets were so heavy they could not haul them in!

We are like the disciples. Instead of fishing for fish, we are, in a way, fishing for souls. Every day we are working, socializing, and meeting new (and old) friends. We should be trying to show them the way to the Lord. Sometimes we fail, but as Jesus said to the disciples, cast our “nets” to the other side. You might just “catch” a few new believers.

Later, in the same chapter, you will read that when Simon Peter realized it was Jesus on the shore, he covered himself and jumped into the water because he was ashamed of himself. Don’t be ashamed in the sight of Jesus, feel blessed for He loves you, and if you ask forgiveness, He will take you to the Lord.  

Enjoy the warm weather, go fishing, go for a walk, meet new and old friends, or just set out in the sun and take in the beautiful world around you!


Benediction: “Gracious Father of us all, help us to be fishers of men, and cast our ‘nets’ in the right direction. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”  

Thought for the month:
May the sun shine, all day long,
Everything go right, and nothing wrong.
 May those you love bring love back to you,
 And may all the wishes you wish come true.

an Irish Blessing for Health and Prosperity