President’s Perspective – August 2024

By Sherry Harriman,
Maine State Grange President/Master
207 490-1029

State Session is October   in Auburn. All paperwork and information has been mailed to the Secretaries and is posted on the website under “Program books and Information”. Remember, each Grange may have 2 delegates (they must be voted as delegates in your Grange meeting), and the quarterly Grange dues MUST be paid up to date for them to be able to vote. Any 4th-degree member may attend the session even if you are not a voting delegate. Our National Grange representative will be Barbara Foster, Pomona of the National Grange & Master/President of the West Virginia State Grange. 

Reports – Reports – Reports. That’s right, ALL Reports are due Individual, Subordinate, and Pomona:

Lecturer’s report and Book Reading lists to Melissa Baldwin. 

Community Service reports and books to Brenda Dyer.

Family Health & Hearing reports due to Brenda Dyer.

CWA reports to Margaret Henderson.

Pomona and Subordinate Roster information to the State Office was due by July 15th. Thank you to those who have submitted them — where are the rest of yours? Even if you had no changes, the report is to be sent in. We ask you to provide the Grange name & number, the physical street address and town of the Grange hall, which day or days and time. Let us know if there are refreshments or supper and that time. Also, the name, postal address, phone, cell phone (if they want it posted), and email (if applicable) of the Master, Lecturer, Secretary, and CWA (Committee of Women’s Activity) chair. Additional committee chairs may also be included on the back or a separate sheet for Agriculture, Legislative, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Junior, Youth, and Education. 

State Officers and Deputy’s Visitation reports are due to the State Master (standard mail or emailed) or get them to the office. 

State Officers — Lecturer, Chaplain, Treasurer and Secretary are expected to present a written report by Oct 1.  

Committee Chairs/Directors — Agriculture, Committee of Women’s Activities, Communications, Community Service, Family Health & Hearing, Educational Aid & Howes Nursing Scholarship, Fundraising, Junior, Legislative, and Membership are required to give a written report on your actives for the year, submitted to ME, State Master, by standard mail or email (email is easier for me, I can copy into the book). All of these reports will be compiled together and printed for approval by the delegates at the State Session. 

Directors, I need your 2025 Program Books, so those can be printed to be passed out at State Session. 

While I am talking about reports. I am still missing many updated membership lists. Please get them corrected and sent in. 

Androscoggin Grange Pancake Breakfast!

Come on out to visit our Androscoggin Grange #8 and have a delicious breakfast from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on September 14, 2024, before the Greene Village Day Parade starts! The cost is $8.00 per person. Androscoggin Grange #8 is located at 99 Main Street, Greene, ME 04236.

Please contact: Rebecca Brooke at 207-653-2111 or for more information

Ag Committee Report – August 2024

By Roberta Meserve, MSG Ag Director
(207) 998-

The Maine Agricultural Fairs are in full swing; we hope you have the opportunity to visit one or two. 

Upcoming fairs (dates taken from )


  • Acton – Aug 22 – 25
  • Piscataquis – Aug 22 – 25
  • Washington County – Aug 24 – 25
  • Windsor – Aug 24 – Sept 2
  • Blue Hill Aug 29 – Sept 2
  • Harmony Aug 30 – Sept 2

We have received several Grange Exhibit results; congratulations to each of you.

If anyone knows of other Granges exhibiting, please let us know. 

  • Pittston Fair — 1st Combined Exhibit — Enterprise #48
  • 1st Educational Exhibit — Maine State Junior Grange
  • Ossipee Valley Fair — Combined Exhibits — 1st Saco #53; 2nd Waterford #479; 3rd Maple Grove #148
  • Union Fair — Combined Exhibits — 1st Evening Star #183; 2nd Medomack Valley #175; 3rd Pioneer #219; 4th Union Harvest #591

Community Service/FHH – August 2024

By Brenda Dyer, MSG Community Service/FHH Director
(207) 608-9193

As the Grange year ends, remember to send reports to the appropriate directors. A letter with the forms, dated June 7, 2024, was sent to every Grange. The forms are in the Community Service Packet and the Grange website.

The Community Service meeting/workshop scheduled for August 24 following the CWA conference has been postponed. 

I would like to thank Bauneg Beg Grange #382, Knox Station Grange #579, Ammadamast Grange #379, Kennebec Valley Grange #128, South Sangerville Grange#335, and York Pomona #14 for submitting the Community Service Report.

I have received one entry form for Granger of the Year. There have not been any entries for police, firefighter/EMT, or educator of the year. These are important people in our community, so we should recognize them. 

I have not received any Community Service Notebooks. Remember, the deadline for these is September 1. Please allow 7 to 10 days for USPS to deliver. 


My address is 9 MARIAL Avenue, not MARIEL Avenue. This will delay me receiving your notebook and or mail.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you. I look forward to more reports, entries for police, firefighter/EMT, educator of the year, Granger of the year, and Community Service Notebooks.

CWA Report – August 2024

By Margaret Henderson, Director
Committee on Women’s Activities
207 948-2762

Committee on Women’s Activities

I can’t wait to see all of your entries for the contests.  You all do such amazing work! It is a pleasure to be able to see all of the wonderful things that everyone makes.

It is also that time of year for donations to fund prize money for the winners in the contests, Home for Little Wanderers and House in the Woods.

I did plant two tomato plants. They are both loaded with tomatoes, just waiting for them to ripen.

Next month I will list all of the winners from the contests.

Hope you are all staying healthy and safe.

Parkman Grange Awards Scholarships

The Parkman Grange awarded six MSAD#4-area college students Minnie Welts Bridge Scholarships of $500 each for the 2024-25 school year. Winners this year include Anna Zimmerman, Guilford, a Psychology major at the University of Maine at Farmington; Cadence Clukey, Abbot, a Counseling major at Grand Canyon University; Emma Calnan, Parkman, a Nursing major at Husson University; Elizabeth Kendall, Guilford, an Education major at the University of Maine at Farmington; Kendall Kimball, Parkman, an Interdisciplinary Global Studies major at the University of South Florida; and, Hannah Dow, Guilford, an Education major at University of the University of Maine at Presque Isle. 

Minnie Welts Bridge was a lifelong Parkman resident, a teacher, and a Grange member. She passed away in 2011 at the age of 102. Since then, the Parkman Grange has awarded a total of $18,000 in scholarships in her memory.

Minnie Welts Bridge Scholarships are funded entirely by donations. Donations may be made to Parkman Grange at PO Box 114, Guilford, ME 04443. Note Scholarship Fund on the memo line.

The six 2024 recipients will be celebrated at a Minnie Welts Bridge Scholarship Supper on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., at the Grange Hall on the corner of St Hwy 150 and North Dexter Rd. The Supper will include pork loin, potatoes, salads, and dessert, and it is by donation. All proceeds will go to the Scholarship Fund for future awards.

Note from National – August 2024

The National Grange is thrilled to announce our new partnership with Grouper, a social fitness movement that supports healthy living through social connections. 

By joining Grouper, eligible members can earn a $50 payment for signing up and $20 every three months for staying active in Grange community projects and gatherings. 

Join our Live Q&A Session to learn more and get your questions answered directly from Grouper and Grange representatives. 

Date: August 12th | Time: 7:30 PM ET / 4:30 PM PT | Join via Zoom:

To see if you qualify for these benefits, visit For any questions, contact the Grouper Member Engagement Team at 833-445-2400 or

Notes from National are gleaned from an email provided by Phil Vonada, National Grange Communications Director.

Grange Today! 8-9-2024

The Newsletter of the National Grange

Articles in this edition include:

  • This issue contains one article about using the material from the Rural Mental Health Resilience Program at Fairs.

Upcoming Deadlines:

  • September 1 – Applications/Entries due for most National Grange Contests

Click the button below to read and/or subscribe to Grange Today!

Note that all recent issues are available on the National Grange Website. To save space, we only post the table of contents on the MSG Website.

Chaplain’s View – August 2024

Christine Hebert, MSG Chaplain
(207) 743-5277

God’s Image

“Know this: God has imprinted God’s image within you, and nothing you do and nothing that happens to you can erase this beauty, which is with you even when you ignore or betray it.”

Meister Eckhart

This statement is from “Meister Eckhart’s Book of Light & Darkness,”a collection of meditations arranged by Jon M. Sweeney and Mark S Burrows. 

Meister Eckhart lived from 1260 to 1328 during the Holy Roman Empire. He was a German theologian, philosopher, mystic, and member of the Dominican Order. His sermons encouraged people to “do good.” During the Inquisition, he was tried for heresy but died before the verdict was delivered.

Communication Shorts 08-07-2024

By Walter Boomsma,
MSG Communications Director
207 343-1842

Communication Shorts are brief (short) but important items posted for your information and use. Send us your ideas and thoughts!

August Bulletin Deadline

Articles and columns for the August Bulletin are due on the 14th! Recent issues of the Bulletin can be found on the Program Books and Information Page.

Information Wanted: Winthrop Grange

We have made the 2024 National Grange Digest available directly from the MSG Website. It is listed in the National Grange Section of the Program Books and Information Page. This booklet will answer many of your questions regarding Grange Law and Practice.

Information Available: Castle Hill Grange

The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society was formed in 1993 to save the Grange Hall in Castle Hill. We have now disbanded due to lack of funds and membership. We have some papers from Grange #260, which disbanded in 1976(?). If you would like any of these papers and certificates. you can contact me by email: Sheena McHatten

State Session Page is Available

A page dedicated to the 2024 State Session is now available with preliminary information. This will be a work in progress!

Many Contest Deadlines Are Coming Up

Get your entries in!

Consider this Idea!

Fall is a great time to celebrate the harvest! How will your Grange do that?

Think about this!

“So, the next time you visit a fair, take a moment to soak in the sights and sounds, to let your inner child run wild, and to appreciate the magic that surrounds you. Because in the world of fairs, anything is possible, and happiness is just a ride away.”


Submit News! Be “famous”

Submitting news can be as simple as a photo and “cutline.” A cutline is a brief description–longer than a caption–to accompany the photo. Let’s prove that the Grange is alive and well in Maine! (Photos should be submitted as an attachment to an email.) We get inquiries from people looking for active Granges!

Online Directories Available 24-7

  • The ODD Directory features all state officers, directors, and deputies with contact information.
  • The Directory of Granges features all Granges in the state with a contact person. Please make sure your listing is correct!